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Best Wildflower Hikes in Lake Tahoe
The plentiful wildflowers of Lake Tahoe offer an unforgettable experience for hikers to witness the bright, playful color palette of [...]
Nevada County Pets in Need
Listed under: Animals
A baker’s dozen of great and not-so-great ditties from all over California.
In an era of information overload, here’s how a rising form of journalism helps explain it all for you, and why California Local publishes ‘explanatory’ reporting.
What do resource conservation districts protect? Pretty much everything that’s worth saving.
The short-term or ‘vacation’ rental industry spawns hundreds of horror stories and damages the housing market, but governments struggle with how to bring it under control.
Why is California still experiencing offshore oil spills half-a-century after the catastrophic Santa Barbara disaster? The answer is found in the state’s longtime, close relationship with the oil business.
In a series of articles, the Los Angeles Times explores the most literal result of global warming: extreme heat.
At long last, the state has a world-class museum to commemorate one of its most essential industries.
Here’s why cargo ship traffic has been dangerously heavy at California’s ports in 2021, and how the backup may have caused a disaster.
Tahoe Weekly talks with a local fabric artist whose work commemorates the world’s COVID-19 losses.
Extended unemployment benefits, the state's eviction moratorium and other COVID relief measures have ended. But people are still out of work and hurting in California as the recovery remains slow.
Gov. Gavin Newsom and California’s Democratic legislators have enacted a sweeping new package of police reform legislation. Here’s what the new laws will accomplish, and why.
In which we ponder human self organization.
In a comprehensive six-part series, resident Tahoe Weekly historian Mark McLaughlin explores ‘Who Owns the Water in Lake Tahoe & Truckee River?’
Sacramento-based news outlet talks to Jonathan Burgess and L. Dee Slade, both testifying before the Reparations Task Force.
From the Gold Rush era to today, here’s how fire protection service has evolved in Nevada County.
The state’s largest power utility faced new criminal charges Sept. 24, but PG&E has a long and disturbing history of causing wildfires. Why? And how can the company change?
Despite a history of wildfires in the area, the state wants to build nearly 150 new campsites in Auburn State Recreation Area in El Dorado and Placer counties.
Residential wells are drying up in the state’s main agricultural region at the same time that agricultural businesses consume almost 90 percent of the water there.
Even as California’s wildfires grow more intense seemingly every year, insurers are cancelling policies for homeowners in the path of the fires.
Tahoe Weekly writes about the region’s go-to source for esoteric natural history information.
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