All Nevada County Articles

All articles shown on the County Overview. (More in Topics)

Image caption: California law requires counties to make data on workplace COVID outbreaks public, but only 20 counties do.
Counties Scoff at Workplace COVID Data Law

A new report reveals that only 20 counties have complied with a law requiring release of workplace COVID outbreak data.

Image caption: A raging Oregon wildfire is bearing down on one of California's main power transmission routes.
Water, Energy Cutbacks Urged as Emergencies Mount

As fire, heat waves and drought threaten the state’s water and power supplies, the governor calls for consumers to cut back on use.

Image caption: California homeowners are fighting to get back cancelled fire insurance policies.
Insurers Still Fail to Reinstate Fire Policies

Homeowners whose fire insurance policies were not renewed remain frustrated in their fight to get them back.

Image caption: PG&E wants a new, 18 percent rate hike over five years starting in 2023.
PG&E Wants New Rate Hike For Fire Prevention

Pacific Gas & Electric is asking customers to pay more for protection from wildfires caused by PG&E.

Image caption: California Governor Gavin Newsom, target of a 2021 recall election.
California’s Recall: A Progressive Reform Gets Politicized

California's recall system for public officials was originally intended to root out corruption, but it quickly took on a different use.

Image caption: Cultural happenings include (from left) First Fridays Artwalks, organized by the Nevada City Chamber of Commerce; Worldfest 2021, taking place July 17; and classes and a virtual exhibit at Artists' Studio in the Foothills.
A Cultural Treasure Hunt

Where to find information about Nevada County’s local art, music and literary scenes.

Image caption: The Nevada County grand jury performs a citizen watchdog role unique to California counties.
Nevada County’s Civil Grand Jury, Explained

The grand jury is Nevada County’s official citizen watchdog body. Here’s how it works.

Image caption: California is home to many veterans in need of a variety of resources. From housing assistance to mental health services, the Golden State provides avenues to hope and healing.
At Their Service

California‘s veterans are as varied as the nations in which they served—a tapestry of different educational levels, professions, and life experiences. And they all deserve our respect and support.

Image caption: Stand Down events provide veterans with valuable resources including housing assistance, medical care, and a solid community of support.
Veterans in Need ‘Stand Down’

At hundreds of Stand Down events throughout California, veterans agencies and organizations come together to deliver life’s necessities.

Image caption: Nevada County's courthouse, as it appeared in 1866.
Nevada County’s Court System, From the Gold Rush to Today

If you have to go to court in Nevada County, here's an explanation of how the system works.

Image caption: California's sprawling public education system encompasses approximately 10,500 schools.
California’s Education System: How the Bureaucracy Works

How California's extensive public school system is organized and managed, explained.

Image caption: California's library system dates back 171 years.
How Cool Are Libraries?

California has gone from one library to more than 1,100 in the last 171 years.

Image caption: California cities switch to more inclusive, district-based elections system.
Voting Rights...the Final Frontier

Pushed by activists, cities move from at-large elections to district races.

Image caption: The state's housing market never recovered from the 2008 recession.
House Poor in California

A USC study shows the economy recovered fully from the 2008 recession—except for housing.

Image caption: Gov. Gavin Newsom has seen some of his pandemic emergency powers curtailed by a judge.
How Courts Ruled on the Governor's COVID Powers

A Superior Court Judge has placed at least some limits on the governor's power to impose health-related restrictions. Here's what that means.

Image caption: Some small composting facilities, made necessary by a methane-reduction law,  have been set up in or near community gardens.
Compost Belongs in the Garden

Californians Against Waste was one of the main advocates behind SB 1383, which requires California to divert 75 percent of its organic waste from landfills. California Local talked to CAW’s Nick Lapis to learn more about what it does and …

Image caption: At the dump, food waste is methane-producing garbage. At a farm, it's a valuable part of the food web.
Back to the Land, Not the Landfill

In 2022, California trash haulers will begin turning millions of tons of methane-emitting organic waste into a new cash crop: compost.

Image caption: Participants in a recent board meeting of the Mountain Housing Council of Tahoe Truckee discuss affordable housing in the wake of a pandemic-fueled boom in real estate prices.
Paradise Found

A pandemic-fueled real estate boom has exploded in the Tahoe-Truckee region. Mountain Housing Council is working to ensure that locals can keep their own little slices of heaven.

Image caption: California’s school reopening plan was criticized for favoring wealthy, mostly white districts.
California School Reopenings, Explained

California’s plan to get schoolchildren back into classrooms after a year of distance learning is taking shape. Here’s the latest on the state’s school reopenings.

Image caption: A sled corral full of broken plastic sleds at Fallen Leaf Lake Hill.
Tahoe Weekly Tackles Trash

Tahoe Weekly’s Priya Hunter offers deep reporting and her personal perspective on a serious trash problem that has roiled Lake Tahoe and the mountain communities that surround it since last summer.