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Nevada County Homelessness Articles

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Getting to Yes

In which we ponder how to make things better in a climate of no.

Image caption: A Senate bill to create zoning laws that promote affordable housing has been met with protest in Santa Cruz.
Bill to Allow More Housing Meets Protest in Santa Cruz

A State Senate bill would allow quick rezoning for multi-family housing, as a new research study reveals the high cost of single-family zoning laws.


The California mental health crisis is tied to both homelessness and rising crime.
UPDATE: California’s Mental Health Crisis: How We Got Here
The making of Gov. Newsom's plan to help get mentally ill Californians into treatment.
The cycle of crime and homelessness is escalating, but it doesn't have to be that way.
Homelessness and Crime in California: Even More Complex Than You Think
What causes the cycle of homelessness and crime, and how to stop it.
Kerry Wood, CEO of the Sacramento Region Community Foundation, says the organization researches areas of need to help donors direct their contributions.
What Is a Community Foundation?
By channeling funds to a number of nonprofits working on various issues in a given region, community foundations help solve big problems throughout California.