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Nevada County Housing Articles

Image caption: Owning homes is the primary way the middle class builds wealth, and an option no longer available to most Californians.
Is California’s Housing Crisis Making Inequality Worse?

California has some of the worst economic inequality in the United States. Is the housing crisis a cause?

Image caption: The state's housing crisis drags on, but 2 new laws aim to ease the dire situation.
SB 6 and AB 2011: 2 New Bills Try to Turn the Tide on Housing Crisis

In an attempt to slow California's housing crisis, Gov. Gavin Newsom signs pair of bills, SB 6 and AB 2011, that will allow development where now-closed businesses once stood, without rezoning those areas for residential projects.

Image caption: Dogs and cats will no longer be subject to cruel toxicity testing in California, under a new law.
California’s New Slate of Animal Welfare Laws

New laws banning toxicity testing on dogs and cats, and making rental housing more pet friendly are among a slate of new animal welfare legislation signed by Gov. Newsom in September.

Image caption: It may not seem like it, but California has too many parking spaces.
New Housing and Climate Law Cuts Back on Parking Spaces

There's too much parking! Why a new law, AB 2097, cutting back on parking space requirements in new housing and business developments could be a game changer for the climate, and the housing crisis.

Image caption: Thousands of homeowners have been kicked off their fire insurance policies.
California Fire Insurance Crisis: How the State Helps Homeowners

As California insurance companies have revoked the fire policies of thousands of homeowners, the state has taken steps to get them covered again.

Image caption: An affordable housing complex being built in Santa Cruz County.
A Real Solution to the Housing Crisis

Gov. Newsom and the state legislature should consider allocating $40 billion of the state's $97 billion surplus to subsidize the building of low-income housing.

Image caption: WaPo called Sacramento "the capital of Blue State America," and said the city “mirrors how much of the state, as well as many major cities across the coastal West, are feeling about the worsening humanitarian crisis."
'Washington Post' Details Sacramento Homeless Crisis

The 'Washington Post' descends on the "capital of Blue State America" to expose the ongoing homeless crisis in Sacramento.

Image caption: Seemingly minor code violations can cost struggling homeowners thousands.
Code Violations and ‘Excessive Fines’: Californians Battle Cities

Code violations, even after they're fixed, can cost struggling homeowners their homes. Some have seen fees and fines into the six figures even after repairs. Here are some of the horror stories. But what can be done about it?

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Tahoe Gives Back in TTCF’s Biggest Fundraiser Yet

2021 saw the biggest single day of fundraising in the history of Give Back Tahoe, launched by the Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation in 2014.

Image caption: SB 35 aims to make it easier for developers to build projects that include significant amounts of affordable housing units.
SB35, California’s Key Affordable Housing Law, Explained

SB 35 is one of California’s most important affordable housing laws. Here’s what it does, and a look at how well it’s working.

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Getting to Yes

In which we ponder how to make things better in a climate of no.

Image caption: Local cities and counties struggle to regulate the exploding short-term rental industry.
Short-Term Losses

The short-term or ‘vacation’ rental industry spawns hundreds of horror stories and damages the housing market, but governments struggle with how to bring it under control.

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Shining a Light on the Tahoe Economy

In a series of articles, Moonshine Ink delves into the economy of the Tahoe-Truckee region, and the problems faced by locals.

Image caption: A Senate bill to create zoning laws that promote affordable housing has been met with protest in Santa Cruz.
Bill to Allow More Housing Meets Protest in Santa Cruz

A State Senate bill would allow quick rezoning for multi-family housing, as a new research study reveals the high cost of single-family zoning laws.

Image caption: The state's housing market never recovered from the 2008 recession.
House Poor in California

A USC study shows the economy recovered fully from the 2008 recession—except for housing.

Image caption: Participants in a recent board meeting of the Mountain Housing Council of Tahoe Truckee discuss affordable housing in the wake of a pandemic-fueled boom in real estate prices.
Paradise Found

A pandemic-fueled real estate boom has exploded in the Tahoe-Truckee region. Mountain Housing Council is working to ensure that locals can keep their own little slices of heaven.


Thousands of homeowners have been kicked off their fire insurance policies.
California Fire Insurance Crisis: How the State Helps Homeowners
The state tries persuading insurance companies to cover homes in fire zones.
Owning homes is the primary way the middle class builds wealth, and an option no longer available to most Californians.
Is California’s Housing Crisis Making Inequality Worse?
California has some of the worst economic inequality in the United States. Is housing a cause? Could it be a cure?
Zoning laws tell you what you can and can't build on the property you own. How does government get away with that?
How Zoning Laws Shape California and Society
Zoning is everywhere, but is it a way to regulate development or a tool for social engineering?
Does California’s signature environmental law protect the state’s scenic beauty, or cause more problems than it solves?
CEQA: The Surprising Story of CA’s Key Environmental Law
54-year-old environmental law is often blamed for causing the state’s housing crisis. Is it getting a bad rap?