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Unlocking Potential: Recent ADU Research and Its Impact on Policy and Development
Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation is hosting a Housing Lunch and Learns series starting September 13, 2024. These virtual conversations will feature community leaders and housing experts as we di...
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MariJane Lopez-Taff was born and raised in San Francisco, and stumbled upon Citrus Heights in 2000 while on a road trip with her husband. They were captivated by the newly incorporated city and have called it home ever since. Lopez-Taff’s day job is owning a business consulting and coaching firm. She is a member of the Citrus Heights Chamber of Commerce, Citrus Heights Women’s Club, Citrus Heights Soroptimists, and the Auburn Boulevard Business Association. Lopez-Taff has worked as a legal advocate for women who have experienced domestic violence, has assisted with a career-development program for female students of Mesa Verde High School, and has participated in toy drives for Toys for Tots. She has three children and one grandchild.
First elected: Nov. 8, 2022
Day job: Business coach and consultant at Taff Enterprises
Notable quote: “I want to give back what the community has given to me by listening deeply, making decisions that represent all in a well-balanced way and guiding our city to a thriving future.” (Source: Citrus Heights Sentinel)
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