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Good Riddance
Mayor Kevin McCarty took a bold step at his first full City Council meeting in December. He voted with five colleagues to fire City Manager Howard Chan.
Chalk It Up to Sacramento
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(916) 808-7007
Rick Jennings first assumed office as the District 7 council representative in 2014. He won reelection with 74.6 percent of the vote in June 2018, beating opponents Tristan Brown and Victor Edinburgh. In 2022, he won a third term outright in the primary. District 2 encompasses the neighborhoods of Greenhaven, Meadowview, the Detroit Boulevard area, Delta Shores, Pocket, and a large portion of the Valley Hi community. A map of District 7 can be found here.
One priority for Councilmember Jennings is the safety of the residents in District 7. For his re-election campaign in 2018, the voter information website Voters Edge quoted him: “We all struggle with the notion of safety and security these days. [...] But together, we’re making progress in District 7, using the latest technology, working with neighborhood leaders and homeowner groups. Local newspapers, Next Door and other social media outlets enhance communication and information. [...] All this has brought crime down 10% below the five year average, and we are significantly safer than surrounding Districts. Thank you to the Sacramento Police Officers Association for its endorsement.”
First elected: 2014
Alma maters: University of Maryland (bachelor’s degree, criminal justice)
Other office held: Sacramento City Unified School District Board of Directors (1996-2008)
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