Clerk Administrator and Elected City Clerk

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380 Civic Drive, Galt, CA 95632

From the website:

The City Manager, City Attorney and Clerk Administrator have combined with the City Clerk's Office to comprise the Administration Department.

The responsibilities of the Elected City Clerk include the following:
Attend City Council meetings, keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the City Council and of all City Ordinances. The Elected City Clerk is the custodian of the City seal, and is authorized to administer oaths and acknowledge certain legal documents.

The responsibilities of the Clerk Administrator include the following: In addition to being able to perform the duties of the Elected City Clerk, prepares and distributes City Council agendas; advertises and coordinates appointments to the
City's commissions and committees, maintains the City's filing system and records retention program; receives and maintains candidate campaign forms; serves as the filing officer for City officials' Statement of Economic Interest required by state law; Public Records Coordinator; serves as the Election Official and ensures compliance with the Public Records Act, the Freedom of Information Act, and the Brown Act.