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Upon his election to the Hollister City Council in 2020, Tim Burns committed to donate his stipend to create a scholarship fund for local youths. In his commitment to transparency and accountability, Burns requested that the council adopt a code of conduct for elected and appointed officials in 2020. Over his career, Burns has worked for several other cities, including Los Gatos, Hollister, Visalia, and Spokane, Washington, overseeing operation budgets from $300,000 to $5 million. “As a community we need to take responsibility to make the city aware when things are not being maintained or require repair,” he told BenitoLink. “Our city personnel have limited time and resources. Perhaps we should advocate to acquire an app that we can report maintenance needs throughout the city. The app could be used to report the need for repairs or maintenance to city facilities, broken water pipes, street lights out or potholes.” Burns has been married for 34 years and has two adult children. His hobbies include cars, sports, and collecting watches and Jerry Garcia ties.
First elected: Nov. 3, 2020
Day job: Code compliance consultant
Alma mater: San Jose State University
Notable quote: “I will do the right thing for the right reason. I will not be intimidated or bullied. I have self-funded my campaign. I am not for sale. I cannot be bought.” (Source: BenitoLink.com)
From Benito Link...
Members of the political group Hollister Guardians Action are gathering signatures in pursuit of a referendum to reverse the Hollister City Council’s recent adoption of its 2040 General Plan. The local activist group has until Jan. 21 to collect and submit to the city at least 2,312 valid signatures of registered voters.
Hollister took the first step toward resurrecting its once-popular motorcycle rally in 2025. The City Council unanimously authorized the city manager to negotiate a contract with promoter Roadshows, Inc., to organize the event.
On Dec. 17, the newly sworn-in Hollister City Council made committee appointments, and also approved travel expenses, for four of the five council members to attend The League of California Cities’ mayors and councilmembers academy in Sacramento.
Hollister Police Department announced it has received a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety to support its ongoing enforcement and education programs to help reduce the number of serious injuries and deaths on our roads.
On Dec. 3, the Hollister City Council approved the 2040 general plan update and certified its environmental impact report amid mixed reactions from community members. The council also adopted a climate action plan and an agricultural lands preservation program.
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