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The Housing Element Part 1: What is It?
The post discusses San Benito County's housing policy and its impact, highlighting the Housing Element's role as a state-mandated blueprint for local housing needs. Currently, all local jurisdicti...
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From Benito Link...
The unprecedented wildfires in Los Angeles have triggered a massive statewide response where more than 7,500 firefighters from all over California have been summoned. Among them is Battalion Chief Phil Rossi of the Hollister Fire Department.
Members of the political group Hollister Guardians Action are gathering signatures in pursuit of a referendum to reverse the Hollister City Council’s recent adoption of its 2040 General Plan. The local activist group has until Jan. 21 to collect and submit to the city at least 2,312 valid signatures of registered voters.
Hollister took the first step toward resurrecting its once-popular motorcycle rally in 2025. The City Council unanimously authorized the city manager to negotiate a contract with promoter Roadshows, Inc., to organize the event.
On Dec. 17, the newly sworn-in Hollister City Council made committee appointments, and also approved travel expenses, for four of the five council members to attend The League of California Cities’ mayors and councilmembers academy in Sacramento.
Hollister Police Department announced it has received a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety to support its ongoing enforcement and education programs to help reduce the number of serious injuries and deaths on our roads.
On Dec. 3, the Hollister City Council approved the 2040 general plan update and certified its environmental impact report amid mixed reactions from community members. The council also adopted a climate action plan and an agricultural lands preservation program.
Hollister City Councilmember Rolan Resendiz was stripped of his vice mayor position Dec. 2 because he did not submit a signed form acknowledging he had received the latest version of the council's code of conduct.
The city of Hollister will lose significant expected sales tax revenue from the nearly complete Amazon project after the company announced on Nov. 12 that it changed how it plans to use the million-square foot facility.
All but one Hollister City Council race is determined, with candidates for District 4 separated by 141 votes. Candidates who campaigned on slowing growth could sweep the election and have ensured a political shift on the dais for the next two years.
This year's Hollister Recreation Department's Trick or Treat event saw many residents, some scary, some fun, come through the annual event on San Benito Street. According to the Chamber of Commerce the number of participants doubled from last year.
From SanBenitocom...
Measure A, which would put land use designation decisions in the hands of San Benito County voters, is projected to pass with 54.08% of the vote as of Nov. 6. The No on A campaign garnered 45.92% with 40.71% of the votes counted.
The deadlock over what will replace a canceled regional fire protection contract continues, as the City of Hollister and San Benito County are still trading barbs over alleged bad faith bargaining.
Though the Hollister Biker Rally isn’t happening in 2025, the city is exploring its feasibility for the future. Among the options discussed at an Oct. 29 meeting were decentralizing the event from downtown, hosting at a time other than Fourth of July weekend, and expanding it to a week rather than three days.
On Oct. 25, the Hollister Planning Commission unanimously approved recommending that the City Council adopt the 2040 general plan and certify its environmental impact report.
It has been three years to the day since Joseph Elmhorst’s Steakstop became the first food truck licensed by Hollister to operate at a fixed location within the Hollister city limits.
It took the Hollister Fire Department five days to contain the fire that broke out at a local recycling company north of the city last week. For 11 years, the city of Hollister has provided protection from fires like this in unincorporated areas of San Benito County, which contain some of the most fire-prone lands in the state.
The Hollister Parks and Recreation Department hosted its 34th Annual Red Ribbon 3K and 5K run/walk on Oct. 19. More than 90 people participated in the event, which is meant to bring attention to resources available for people struggling with drug or alcohol abuse and other issues in the community.
Hollister resident Priscilla de Anda is running against incumbent Tim Burns for Hollister City Council District 4.
The winner of this race may be the first Hollister mayor to serve a four-year term—if voters pass a referendum that will be decided in this year's election.
A new set of EV chargers is coming to Hollister, this time next to Taco Bell located on Tres Pinos Road.
The Hollister City Council has two district seats and an at-large mayorship on the ballot this November.
BenitoLink hosted a General Election Forum at the Granada Theater in Hollister on Sept. 28. About 120 people were in attendance.
The city of Hollister has begun work on its Citywide Roadway Improvement Project, which is set to improve and upgrade more than 18 lane miles of local streets and 40 curb ramps, and reconstruct 588 linear feet of sidewalks, according to city staff.
The Hollister City Council is considering an ordinance to reduce single-use plastics. To ease the financial burden on restaurants and other impacted businesses, the proposed ordinance would be implemented in three phases.
Recently, the City of Hollister began its 2024 City Wide Roadway Improvement Project to rehabilitate more than 18 lane miles of local streets, upgrade over 40 curb ramps, and reconstruct 588 linear feet of sidewalks.
The San Benito Council of Governments , an agency formed by the cities of Hollister and San Juan Bautista and the San Benito County to deal with regional issues, including transportation needs, approved a study of the best way to improve Hwy 25.
The Ladd Lane and Southside Road project that keeps evolving is scheduled to be completed by January 2025. The latest iteration, approved by the Hollister City Council in August 2023, will have a four-lane roadway with lit crosswalks, protected bike lanes, speed tables, radar speed signs and a traffic camera.
The Sept. 17 Hollister City Council agenda contained business with no apparent controversial items, including approving the city’s strategic goals and analyzing the feasibility of a future motorcycle rally. Nevertheless, the mood of the meeting quickly shifted as one council member launched heated accusations against another.
The general election is almost two months away and area voters are getting informed on the local races and measures with large implications for San Benito County’s future. In Hollister, the mayor’s seat will be contested between an incumbent and a political newcomer.
City Council - Agenda - Apr 22, 2024 6:00 PM
City Council - Agenda - Apr 15, 2024 6:30 PM
City Council - Agenda - Apr 2, 2024 6:30 PM
City Council - Agenda - Mar 18, 2024 6:30 PM
City Council - Agenda - Mar 4, 2024 6:30 PM
City Council - Agenda - Feb 20, 2024 6:30 PM
City Council - Agenda - Feb 12, 2024 6:30 PM
City Council - Agenda - Feb 5, 2024 6:30 PM
City Council - Agenda - Jan 16, 2024 6:30 PM
City Council - Webcast - Dec 18, 2023 6:30 PM
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