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7th Annual Cardboard Challenge takes place Sept. 30th-Oct. 5th
San Benito County Community Action Board
Listed under: Business, Economy & Jobs Homelessness Community Service & Support
From CalMatters...
Dangerous Herbicide Used on California Crops Banned
The chemical, used for decades, can harm babies’ developing brains. Farmworkers and people living near fields are most at risk. The EPA issued a rare emergency order.
A California Court Just Granted an Ag Giant a Win. It Could Jeopardize New Farm Union Law
A judge has halted a union effort at the Wonderful Company, throwing into question a new state law designed to make it easier for agricultural workers to organize.
Information provided by Salvation Army Hollister. Lea este artículo en español aquí.The Salvation Army Hollister Corps Community Center, in collaboration with the Cesar Chavez Foundation, is launching an impactful program to empower migrant workers and support the unhoused community in …
Lea este artículo en español aquí. San Benito County’s agricultural gross sales fell $1.5 million compared to the previous year, according to the 2023 crop report. The report, released Aug. 27, says agriculture accounted for $360.9 million in sales.“The biggest …
Lea este artículo en español aquí.The San Juan Bautista Planning Commission accepted an amendment to the municipal code to loosen some restrictions on food trucks. If the measure is passed by the council, food trucks would pay a $150 per-day …
Lea este articulo en español aquí.
Lea este artículo en español aquí.
Despite temperatures rising into the triple digits (again) this week, work proceeds on the downtown Gilroy Gourmet Alley project.
The 40th Morgan Hill Mushroom Festival unfolded Saturday and Sunday at the Downtown Amphitheater grounds and Depot Street.
Information provided by San Benito County. Lea este articulo en español aquí.
Ag Against Hunger
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