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San Benito County Historical Society
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Logistics is one of the largest industries in California and keeps the state economy running. But it also comes with a heavy cost to the environment. Here are the facts on the most important industry you don't know much about, …
Tribe hopes partnership with Trust for Public Land will help fight against building on ancestral lands
What is the California Coastal Commission? How one of the state’s most powerful agency protects public access to the state’s scenic coast from Mexico to Oregon.
The conservation director of Land Trust of Santa Cruz talks about the highlights of his work, and some of the issues he sees in maintaining California’s parks.
City officials are seeking bids from contractors to construct grant-funded improvements to downtown Gilroy’s alleyways. The City of Gilroy received a $3.9 million grant from the California Department of Transportation’s Clean California Local Grant Program in March 2022. The funds …
The San Benito County Board of Supervisors approved amendments to the county’s affordable housing ordinance, which include a requirement for future housing developments within 10 miles of an incorporated city to offer affordable units. The board voted 5-0 this week …
California Forever, the company backed by billionaire Silicon Valley investors that wants to build a new city in Solano County, has posted a new website in an attempt to start a "conversation" about the massive project.
Silicon Valley billionaires want to create a new city in Solano County. How have planned cities fared in California? From Lakewood to Irvine to Disney’s new Cotino, there have been many.
As four aging hydroelectric dams are demolished, tribes and communities along the Klamath River wait anxiously to see what the future holds. “Once a river is dammed, is it damned forever?” experts ask.
The mysterious buyers of $1 billion worth of Solano County land have been revealed as a consortium of Silicon Valley billionaires who want to build a new city from scratch.
California has used reclamation districts to turn millions of acres of unusable swamps into fertile agricultural land, starting in the earliest days of the Gold Rush. Here’s how it happened.
The San Benito Agricultural Land Trust recently completed steps to permanently protect another portion of Phil Foster Ranch in San Benito County’s fertile San Juan Valley. With assistance from two public funding programs, SBALT has acquired an agricultural easement that …
A conversation with Stacy Caldwell, CEO of Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation
Travis Air Force Base in Solano County is now surrounded on three sides by a Delaware company with millions of dollars and no public record of who is behind it. And the federal government hasn’t been able to solve the …
The San Benito County Planning Commission held a scoping meeting Aug. 2 for the proposed Ranch 35 Quarry project near the intersection of State Route 156 and U.S. 101. The meeting’s purpose was to inform the public about the scope …
Twin Oaks Hollister residents will celebrate the first anniversary of The Cannery Club, their private community clubhouse, from 12-3pm on Aug. 12. Twin Oaks, located at 2071 Red Oak Drive in Hollister, comprises 168 homes, of which about half are …
For the second time this year, state officials told Gilroy that its long-term housing plan still needs work before it can be considered valid. In a July 6 letter to city officials, Paul McDougall, senior program manager for the California …
The California Coastal Commission has broad authority to protect the state's shoreline. Now, some want to curtail its power over affordable housing proposals.
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