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San Benito County Education Articles

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Gavilan to Refinance Measure E Bonds

Lea este artículo en español aquí.Gavilan College’s Board of Trustees voted unanimously to refinance the Measure E bonds at its March 11 meeting. Gavilan’s financial advisory team said the move will save taxpayers within the district $3.4 million over the …

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First 5 San Benito Searches for New Executive Director

First 5 San Benito has announced the launch of a nationwide search to succeed Executive Director Lisa Faulkner, according to San Benito County staff. First 5 promotes the health, early learning and social-emotional well being of children prenatal through age …

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Third-Graders Flock to Farm Day

This article was written by BenitoLink intern Jessica Parga. Lea este artículo en español aquí.Tuesday, March 18 was “Farm Day” at Bolado Park—an event hosted by the San Benito County Farm Bureau that is "dedicated to raising awareness about the …

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San Juan School District Considers New Food Service Program

Lea este artículo en español aquí.At its March 12 meeting, the Aromas San-Juan Unified School District heard a presentation from Dan Giusti, founder of the food service organization Brigade, which conducted an on-site survey of all three district schools in …

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Hollister High Athletic Director to Remain in Position

This article was written by BenitoLink intern Meghan Lee. Lea este artículo en español aquí.During its March 11 meeting, the San Benito High School District Board of Trustees removed an agenda item that would have eliminated the school’s Athletic Director …

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Recology Poster Contest 2025 Accepting Submissions

Lea este articulo en español aquí.San Benito County students from TK to 12th grade are invited to participate in this year’s Keep San Benito Bonito” Recology Poster Contest! Submissions must be received by March 14, 2025.This year’s theme is: Keep …

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Robotics Competition Takes Over Hollister High

This article was written by BenitoLink intern Jessica Parga. Lea este artículo en español aquí.More than 1,200 participants filed in and out of Hollister High School’s Mattson Gym this weekend—every seven minutes, a team rolled in its robots, while volunteers …

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Aromas-San Juan School District Town Hall Highlights Students’ Rights

Lea este artículo en español aquí.How do you prepare for the possibility that immigration officers will detain you as an undocumented worker while your child is away attending school, unaware of what has happened or who will take care of …

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Food Pantry Opens at Gavilan’s Hollister Campus for Students and Staff in Need

Lea este artículo en español aquí.To help better serve the basic needs of food-insecure students and staff, Gavilan College has opened a free food pantry at the new Hollister Campus. Open three days a week, the well-stocked cubby is a …

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Teenagers’ Robots Are Coming to Hollister

Lea este artículo en español aquí.A dedicated group of Hollister High students spent their Presidents’ Week, while school was out, building a robot. Every day for nearly 12 hours, members of Deep Space Robotics Team 6884 were on campus, taking …

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Charter School Secures Hollister Location

Lea este artículo en español aquí.After a year-long delay, San Benito County Polytechnic Academy is set to begin classes next school year. The charter high school secured the Briggs Building in downtown Hollister as its campus and plans to open …

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Independent Bookstore Is an Instant Hit in Downtown Hollister

Hollister’s newest—and only—independent bookstore opened Saturday to a large crowd browsing the aisles and buying some of their favorite reading material.

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Gavilan Doubles Its Hollister Student Body for Spring Semester

Classes have moved to the newly completed campus on Fairview Road.This artcle was written by BenitoLink intern Meghan Lee. Lea este artículo en español aquí.Since opening on Jan. 27, Gavilan College’s campus in Hollister has expanded the services in the …

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Hollister High to Host Inaugural Pinnacle Regional Robotics Competition

Lea este artículo en español aquí.Hollister High School, in partnership with FIRST Robotics, is set to host the Pinnacles Regional Robotics Competition for the first time on March 1st and 2nd, 2025. The event, which will take place on the …

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AAA Students Sweep San Benito County Spelling Bee Competition

Lea este artículo en español aquí.Accelerated Achievement Academy students Noelle Wentzell and Marley Murillo won their respective categories in the local 2025 spelling bee contest. San Benito County Office of Education’s annual competition was held Feb. 6 at Veterans Memorial …

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‘Hollister Halftime’ Draws Families Seeking Resources

The Hollister School District held its inaugural Hollister Halftime Community Connections event Feb. 1 at Sunnyslope Elementary School.

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Yoga Course Helps Hollister High Students Unwind

Lea este artículo en español aquí.Students walk into classroom 344 at Hollister High School, remove their shoes and place their backpacks in a locker near the entrance. They then take their places on one of 40 bright red yoga mats …

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Gavilan Board of Trustees Consider Bond Refinancing

This artcle was written by BenitoLink intern Meghan Lee. Lea este artículo en español aquí.Gavilan College may refinance its general obligation bond issued in 2015. During the Feb. 11 Board of Trustees meeting, the school’s financial advisory team said the …

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Hollister School District Celebrates New Afterschool Spaces

Hollister School District officials and community partners held a ribbon cutting Jan. 30 for the newly opened Extended Learning Opportunity Program buildings at Sunnyslope, Calaveras and Ladd Lane Elementary Schools.

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Students, Administrators Respond to Trump’s Immigration Policy Changes

Lea este artículo en español aquí.Across school districts in San Benito County, students and administrators have been making plans in response to the Trump administration’s immigration policy changes. They include students at Gavilan College as well as those involved in …


California's library system dates back 171 years.
How Cool Are Libraries?
California has gone from one library to more than 1,100 in the last 171 years.
California's sprawling public education system encompasses approximately 10,500 schools.
California’s Education System: How the Bureaucracy Works
How California's extensive public school system is organized and managed, explained.