Planning Commission


• Phone: (209) 937-8564

One of the Stockton Planning Commission’s important functions is the preparation, adoption and interpretation of a comprehensive long-range General Plan, which serves as a guide for orderly, responsible development in the city and on any land outside its boundaries that affects city planning.

The Planning Commission reviews development in Stockton to ensure it follows the General Plan, with the goal of providing a better urban environment for all. The commission interprets the General Plan when considering current and advanced planning projects, zoning and use permit hearings, neighborhood analysis and land use studies, and environmental impact reviews.

The Commission serves as an advisory body to the Stockton City Council and makes recommendations on the General Plan, zoning, code changes, specific plans for streets and highways, and redevelopment plans.

All six councilmembers and the mayor each select one appointee to a four-year term for a total of seven commissioners.

Meets the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 425 N El Dorado St, Stockton.