Picture of Michele Padilla

Councilmember Michele Padilla

District 1

(209) 937-8244

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Michele Padilla began her first term on the Stockton City Council in January 2023 after challenging District 1 incumbent Sol Jobrack in the primary and beating him in the general election. A north Stockton resident for more than three decades, Padilla aims to serve her community by increasing communication, representation and action. She is also a teacher in Stockton Unified School District, which has inspired her priority to invest in her community. She rates crime, homelessness and the need for community revitalization as her biggest priorities.

First elected: Nov 8, 2022

Alma mater: University of Phoenix (bachelor’s degree, education; working toward a master’s degree)

Volunteer work: Includes Baptismal coordinator at Presentation Parish Church (2018–2020); Presentation Parent Board (2007–2017); secretary, Baseball Little League (2006–2010).

Notable quote: Asked about how to handle the homlessness crisis, Padilla told the Stockton Record, “Folks that are living in areas that are not designated shelters for the homeless will not be permitted. Allow those individuals an option to either go to mental health, one of the shelters, assist with travel to a family members residence (locally or out of town) or be cited for trespassing or loitering etc. Then remove any structures that have been erected immediately. Staying in and living in public areas will not be acceptable.”

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