Picture of Gary Barton

Councilmember Gary Barton


(209) 599-2108


Gary Barton’s family has long been rooted in Ripon, as the owners and operators of Barton Ranch for generations. Gary left Ripon for awhile, but returned to help run the family business in the 1990s, and has been doing so ever since. His background is in commercial real estate and international asset management. Barton previously served on the Ripon Planning Commission, until he was appointed to a vacant seat on the Ripon City Council. He won reelection to the council in 2022.

First appointed: Dec. 7, 2021

Day job: Manager of Barton Ranch

Alma mater: Stanford University (bachelor’s degree, Russian history)

Notable Quote: “We’ll never be able to repay them for their sacrifice. But today, they are remembered. Let us honor them by revering the freedom that so many of them gave as their last, full measure.” (Source: Facebook)

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