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Season Ends With Game 2 Loss
The San Jose Giants saw their 2024 season come to a close with a 6–2 loss to the Modesto Nuts in Game 2 of the North Division Series on Thursday night at John Thurman Field. The Nuts jumped out to...
Children’s Discovery Museum
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From The Mercury News...
From Morgan Hill Times...
Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren on Monday presented five checks totaling 2.45 million for community projects for public safety and infrastructure projects in Morgan Hill and Gilroy.
From Gilroy Dispatch...
The Gilroy City Council this week narrowly voted to defend the city against a lawsuit that claims it has violated state housing laws by declining, so far, to approve a 501-unit residential project proposed on Las Animas Avenue.
With more than two weeks to go in the nomination period for local candidates for the Nov. 5 general election, a total of seven people have filed to run for mayor and three city council seats, according to Gilroy City Clerk Beth Minor.
In an ongoing legal dispute about the use and interpretation of a state housing law, the developer of a 501-unit project proposed on Las Animas Avenue now says the City of Gilroy must allow the residential complex to proceed.
With two of downtown Gilroy’s largest parking lots closed to vehicles due to construction on Gourmet Alley and nearby street spaces filling up quickly every day, city officials will soon begin more strictly enforcing the neighborhood’s parking limits.
The City of Gilroy celebrated two milestones for its newest downtown popup park in the past week.
In downtown Gilroy on June 15, under a warm summer sun, the 2024 Garlic City Car Show unfolded with a blend of nostalgia and innovation.
Voters in Gilroy will be asked in the Nov. 5 election to approve a quarter-cent local sales tax that would be dedicated strictly to increased police, fire protection and related public safety services.
The City of Gilroy has halted negotiations with a company that previously showed interest in purchasing the city’s 536-acre property that includes Gilroy Gardens.
Slowly but surely, the City of Gilroy has made progress over the past year in its economic development efforts, transportation service improvements and the delivery of other public services—and more is on the horizon.
Construction began this week on the City of Gilroy’s grant-funded makeover of Gourmet Alley in the downtown, and some business and property owners are concerned about the possible impact the work will have on their operations.
The City of Gilroy is set to begin construction to transform the downtown Gourmet Alley into a modern, spacious, pedestrian-friendly corridor.
The City of Gilroy is searching for a new city clerk after Thai Pham resigned from the position earlier this month. Pham was appointed Gilroy City Clerk in 2021.
The declining enrollment across Gilroy Unified School District has officials looking at ways to more evenly distribute the number of students across its elementary schools.
LJ Hardwicke will celebrate the release of her first novel, “Red Watson and the Gifted Lands,” with a book signing event.
Supporters of a downtown restaurant are decrying the Gilroy City Council’s December decision to not extend the business’ permit for an outdoor dining area.
The city of Gilroy is looking at cracking down on downtown building owners who have covered their vacant storefronts with plywood for an extended amount of time.
The Gilroy Veterans Memorial Hall, 74 West Sixth St., is hosting Veterans Benefit Days on the first and third Fridays of the month through 2024 with extended hours from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
This Gilroy home received a new roof donated by Simmitri and other local roofing companies.
The Gilroy City Council agreed to raise water rates by 6% every year through 2028, beginning Jan. 1.
An inaugural ceremony in Gilroy to recognize people who died over the year while unhoused was staged at Gilroy City Hall.
A developer is hoping to build a 501-unit housing project on Las Animas Avenue, filing a formal application Dec. 14 that cites a state law that allows housing to be built on sites not designated for it.
The $3.9 million grant from the California Department of Transportation’s Clean California Local Grant Program will be used to improve the Gourmet and Railroad alleyways between Fourth and Seventh streets by adding lighting, benches, garbage enclosures, bicycle and pedestrian markings, signage and more.
A split Gilroy City Council elected not to extend a downtown restaurant’s pandemic-era parklet as city officials work to create a set of rules for outdoor dining areas in public parking spaces.
The Gilroy Garlic Festival Association dished out $65,000 in donations to various organizations during a ceremony at Gilroy Presbyterian Church, continuing its long-standing tradition of giving back to the community.
Brian Canepa of W-Trans, the consulting firm hired by the city in September 2022, said multiple surveys of weekday parking in the broader downtown area revealed that only 44% of the 3,181 spaces were occupied during the peak hour of 10 a.m., noting that was before the new 144-space lot opened on Eigleberry and Seventh streets.
Planning Commission Special Meeting
Community Meeting: Public Safety Sales Tax Ballot Measure
EMPOWER- First Time Homebuyer Assistance Program Presentation
Litter Cleanup Day-Coastal Clean Up
Downtown Committee Meeting
Gilroy Citywide Garage Sale
Open Government Commission Meeting: CANCELLED
Gilroy's National Night Out
Conversation and Coffee with Mayor Blankley
Candidate Information Session
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