Finance and Administrative Department


26379 Fremont Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

The department of finance and administrative services safeguards the responsible use of public assets entrusted to the town of Los Altos Hills. The City Council adopts an annual budgetary document that provides a financial framework for the town’s business. With that budget, and under the direction of the City Manager, the department ensures that the town’s resources (financial, personnel, equipment, and facilities) provide a high level of service to the community.

The department’s varied responsibilities include cash receipting, business licensing, accounts payable, accounts receivable, planning, building and engineering development deposits, sewer reimbursement agreements, employee issues (payroll, benefits, recruitment, retention), and contract management.

The department also interacts with citizen volunteers on the Finance and Investment Committee, whose members are appointed by the council. The FIC has been instrumental in sewer rate reviews, financial planning for unfunded liabilities, and the annual review of the town’s investment policy.