Public Works and Engineering Department


26379 Fremont Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

(650) 941-7222

This department is responsible for major capital projects as well as maintaining, inspecting, and reviewing construction and repairs associated with municipal infrastructure. Staffers provide technical support to residents, contractors, consultants, and other town departments, boards and agencies regarding the installation and development of roads, sewers, drains, and overseeing capital improvement projects, such as the enhancement of the town’s pathway system, and inspection of various public and private projects.

Typical responsibilities of Public Works include the design, permitting, inspection, monitoring and repairing of the town’s sewers, drainage systems, roads, and pathways. The department also coordinates with consultants, and reviews bid and awards contracts to successfully complete projects.

The Engineering Department answers questions on drainage, sewer and other land-development issues, in addition to performing technical reviews for site and subdivision plans.