Though Stanley Mok was just elected to the Los Altos Hills Town Council in 2020, he already had 14 years of experience in local government—all spent on the town’s Finance and Investment Committee. Another outlet for his civic activism was joining six others to found the Bullis Charter School in 2004.
A resident of the town since 1996, Mok was encouraged to run by several locals. “They wanted somebody that had knowledge of finance to be running for the council so as things go by in the future, we will continue to be in a good financial position,” Mok told Los Altos Online.
First elected: Nov. 3, 2020
Day job: Chief Investment Officer at Mok Capital Management
Alma mater: Santa Clara University (bachelor’s degree, management and marketing)
Notable quote: “I would like to have some of the infrastructure of the town improved so that we have better internet access. In the 21st century, for one of the most affluent towns in the nation, a place where you can’t get internet access, that’s ludicrous. The telephone coverage that we have for our cellphones could be improved slightly. The undergrounding of utilities will eliminate the exposed, high-voltage wires that we currently have that are subject to spark and then can cause fires.” —Stanley Mok, Los Altos Online