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Santa Clara County Water Articles

Image caption: Saving water has become more crucial in California’s drought crisis.
How to Save Water: Simple Steps You Can Take

Saving water is more important than ever in California, due to the region’s worst drought conditions in 1,200 years. Here are some steps you can take to help.

Gilroy Dispatch logo LOCAL NEWS
Local officials talk drought, other issues

Elected officials convened in Gilroy April 22 to give an update on legislative actions that have affected South County over the past year. But one topic was a recurring theme throughout the morning: the statewide drought and the need to …

Image caption: With drought getting worse, California needs to increase water use efficiency.
How California Can Increase Water Savings By 30 Percent

California can increase water savings in urban and suburban areas by 30 to 48 percent using nothing but existing technology, a new report from the Pacific Institute says.

Image caption: A new report is sharply critical of California's laws and rules for granting water rights.
Bringing California Water Laws Into the Future

California’s outdated water rights laws have failed to account for the effects of climate change, says a new expert report, which makes some strong recommendations.

San Jose Inside logo LOCAL NEWS
California Drought Worsens, Water Supply Prospects in San Jose ‘Worse than Dire’

After record-breaking snowfall in December, January and February were likely the driest on record, prolonging California’s drought. In Silicon Valley, the conditions could mean tightening restrictions and increasing rebates to reduce water use.

The post California Drought Worsens, Water Supply …

Morgan Hill Times logo LOCAL NEWS
Valley Water accepting applications for 2022 Grant Program

Valley Water is accepting applications for its 2022 Grant Program, which provides important funding for projects that support the water district’s mission of “providing safe, clean water for a healthy life, environment and economy,” says a press release.  For 2022, …

Los Gatan logo LOCAL NEWS
Rain benefits drought-stricken county

The soaking rains that closed out 2021 proved beneficial for Santa Clara County and its drought situation. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, Santa Clara County on Dec. 27 moved into the less-intense “Severe Drought” classification. A week earlier, it …

Gilroy Dispatch logo LOCAL NEWS
Uvas Reservoir about to overflow as wet season begins

The Uvas Reservoir in Morgan Hill is the fullest it has been in three years, pointing to a positive trend in the county’s water situation after a long dry period. As of Jan. 4, the reservoir was 96% full, and …

San Jose Inside logo LOCAL NEWS
It May Be Raining, but California Reinstates Water Restrictions

The statewide mandate includes prohibitions over watering yards, washing cars without a shutoff nozzle, hosing down sidewalks or watering grass within 48 hours after rainfall.

Morgan Hill Times logo LOCAL NEWS
Uvas Reservoir about to overflow as wet season begins

The Uvas Reservoir in Morgan Hill is the fullest it has been in three years, pointing to a positive trend in the county’s water situation after a long dry period. As of Jan. 4, the reservoir was 96% full, and …

Gilroy Dispatch logo LOCAL NEWS
Gilroy’s rainfall doubles in 2021, but only hits average total

Fueled by two wetter-than-normal months, Gilroy’s rainfall total in the 2021 calendar year was more than double that in 2020. But even with an atmospheric river soaking the region in the year’s final weeks, the city was only near its …

Morgan Hill Times logo LOCAL NEWS
Still dry, despite storms

Fueled by two wetter-than-normal months, Morgan Hill’s rainfall for the 2021-22 rainy season (which starts July 1 annually) has already far surpassed that of the entirety of last season.  But even with an atmospheric river soaking the region in the …

San Jose Inside logo LOCAL NEWS
Rain is Good News, but Doesn’t Change California’s Dire Drought Outllook

Worsening droughts, competition for scarce supplies, sea level rise, groundwater contamination, earthquakes, wildfires and extreme weather all contribute to California water woes.

The post Rain is Good News, but Doesn't Change California's Dire Drought Outllook appeared first on San Jose …

Image caption: There are more than 300 community service districts in California.
Community Services Districts, Explained

Community service districts can do most anything a city government can do. Here’s how they work and how to start one.

Image caption:
Rising Seas, Rising Costs

San Jose Inside reports on Santa Clara County’s herculean efforts to protect the low-lying neighborhood of Alviso. But at what price?

Image caption: RCDs look after the land, whether it’s used for grazing, growing, or getting out into nature.
California Dirt

What do resource conservation districts protect? Pretty much everything that’s worth saving.

Image caption: Water is a human right under California law, but it doesn’t always work out that way.
Agriculture and Water Shortages in the State’s Breadbasket, Explained

Residential wells are drying up in the state’s main agricultural region at the same time that agricultural businesses consume almost 90 percent of the water there.

Image caption: Northern pintails and many other species of waterfowl depend on marshland in the Klamath Basin during migration.
Dying for Fresh Water

This year, an estimated 60,000 birds have been poisoned by botulism in one of the oldest waterfowl conservation reserves in the state.

Image caption: Water in Santa Clara County is delivered by Valley Water, and numerous other water agencies.
Santa Clara County’s Multiple Water Districts, Explained

How does the water you drink and use for washing and every other function get to you in Santa Clara County? Here's how the counties various water districts work.

Image caption: A raging Oregon wildfire is bearing down on one of California's main power transmission routes.
Water, Energy Cutbacks Urged as Emergencies Mount

As fire, heat waves and drought threaten the state’s water and power supplies, the governor calls for consumers to cut back on use.


Water is a human right under California law, but it doesn’t always work out that way.
Agriculture and Water Shortages in the State’s Breadbasket, Explained
There are many causes contributing to this crisis. And as you may already know, this situation really is nuts.
RCDs look after the land, whether it’s used for grazing, growing, or getting out into nature.
California Dirt
RCDs were created to avoid a repeat of the Dust Bowl. Now they work with landowners to preserve the air, water and natural habitats that sustain us all.
There are more than 300 community service districts in California.
Community Services Districts, Explained
Areas that the county overlooks can form their own local governments.
Just because record rains have been falling, the state’s water crisis remains.
What Is Drought? Probably Not What You Think
Recent torrential rains have helped, but California's drought is a long way from over.
From nitrates to arsenic to “forever chemicals,” California’s water supply faces a serious pollution threat.
Dirty Water: California Faces a Water Contamination Crisis
In a state that declares water a “human right,” more than 2 percent of its residents have no drinkable water.
How California reclamation districts turned millions of acres of wetlands into fertile agricultural land, starting in the earliest days of the Gold Rush.
Reclamation Districts: Turning ‘Swamps’ Into Farmland
From its earliest days as a state, California has been trying to turn marshes into productive land.
Since the Gold Rush era, land reclamation has cost California 90 percent of its wetlands.
How Land Reclamation Hurts California’s Environment
The hidden price tag of “reclaiming” swamps and marshes as usable land.