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Celebrate Positive Parenting Awareness Month With Free, Family-Friendly Events
SANTA CRUZ, CA – Triple P – Positive Parenting Program, a program of First 5 Santa Cruz County, today announced the list of community and family-focused events happening during January [...]
Vets 4 Vets Santa Cruz
Listed under: Community Service & Support Veterans
The future of 1,100 miles of spectacular coastline is in the hands of the California Coastal Commission, which is beloved by coastal environmentalists, notorious among those who favor development, and little-known in the inland parts of the state.
California’s plan to get schoolchildren back into classrooms after a year of distance learning is taking shape. Here’s the latest on the state’s school reopenings.
Here's how Santa Cruz County is affected by California’s 2020-21 budget deal.
On Nov. 16, Santa Cruz County moved further away from reopening in the Blueprint for a Safer Economy.
What is California’s Forest Management Task Force and what does it do?
This year's dry lightning storms left the state scrambling to for climate change solutions.
In June, California was a success story. Less than a month later, the state was in crisis.
Infection rates have been low in Santa Cruz County. Here's why.
Officials take steps toward reopening California, adhering to a six-item action plan.
Local rep co-sponsored AB 857, which would pave the way for publicly owned banks.
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