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January 8 – 14, 2025
Highlights this week: Greensite... on the Wharf Reopening... Steinbruner... Sewage sludge, desal, or brackish water conversion... Hayes... What's in the air... Patton... A Force For World Peace......
Santa Cruz Mountains Trail Stewardship
Listed under: Environment Parks & Recreation
From Good Times...
The centuries old mastodon tooth will be displayed at Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History through June 4.
From California Local...
In 2021, California drew 37 percent of its electricity from clean, renewable sources.
From CalMatters...
From Lookout Santa Cruz...
From Santa Cruz Sentinel...
From East Bay Times...
From Monterey Herald...
From Press Banner...
Foresters are being tapped by government to manicure, at-scale, millions of acres of dense, sprawling forest across California to ward off wildfire.
The all-day seminar featured California Natural Resources Agency Secretary Wade Crowfoot and other experts.
The future of environmental stewardship banks on incentives and an app that crowdsources urban cleanup.
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