Santa Cruz County Local News: Environment

All Local Environment News articles contributed by our local media allies and other local newsrooms.

California Local Pin Marker From California Local...

Image for display with article titled Is California’s Drought Over? Water Providers Still Predict Shortages Next Year

Despite December storms, water supplies remain low in many areas. Some managers expect to impose severe restrictions on their customers.

California Local Pin Marker From Santa Cruz Sentinel...

Scientists studying otter behavior at the Elkhorn Slough near Moss Landing find that volunteers are as effective as professionals in collecting data.

California Local Pin Marker From Santa Cruz Sentinel...

Moderate weather and well-timed rainstorms in much of California combined to curb the acreage and structures burned.

California Local Pin Marker From Santa Cruz Sentinel...

Californians are accustomed to being battered by many of nature's whims. Less familiar are volcanic eruptions like the one currently taking place at Hawaii's Mauna Loa. But California's own volcanoes are capable of violent fury.

California Local Pin Marker From Santa Cruz Sentinel...

After being hunted to extinction in the 1800s, the North American beaver is returning to the creeks of the San Francisco Bay Area.

California Local Pin Marker From Santa Cruz Sentinel...

Drought, human-caused climate change, invasive species and a “legacy” of environmental issues are permanently altering California’s landscape and placing some communities and ecosystems at increasing risk.

California Local Pin Marker From Santa Cruz Sentinel...

A modern-day Noah’s ark, California Plant Rescue collects seeds from rare plants and fights the permanent loss of irreplaceable species.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

Attorney General Rob Bonta sues manufacturers of PFAs, nicknamed “forever chemicals” because they never biodegrade. Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl are present in the bloodstream of nearly all Californians, and are present in a number of household objects; they’ve been linked to birth defects and numerous cancers.

California Local Pin Marker From Sacramento Bee...

On Election Day, a tornado with wind gusts of up to 70 mph touched down in a rural area of Sacramento County near Galt. The Bee looks at how common tornadoes are in California, what causes them and how dangerous they can be.

Good Times logo From Good Times...

Image for display with article titled Frans Lanting’s ‘Bay of Life’ Project Showcases Local Ecosystem

Lanting and partner Chris Eckstrom turn their sights on showcasing the Monterey Bay in photographs and stories

California Local Pin Marker From Santa Cruz Sentinel...

The crow population “is hundreds of times larger than it was historically” because the birds have discovered an endless feast of trash and food scraps to feast on.

California Local Pin Marker From Santa Cruz Sentinel...

According to the BLM website, the property is currently accessible to the public only through guided hikes; however, the bureau has developed a recreation plan that includes 27 miles of multi-use trails for bicycling, horseback riding and dog walking with connections to San Vicente Redwoods and the North Coast Rail Trail.

California Local Pin Marker From Santa Cruz Sentinel...

Wildfires, drought, extreme heat and other effects of climate change are compounding in California, according to a report from state scientists.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

PG& E has formally asked the state to postpone closure of Diablo Canyon until 2030; California’s last nuclear plant provides 9 percent of the state’s electricity.

Good Times logo From Good Times...

Image for display with article titled Lighthouse Point Rocked by Erosion

One of Santa Cruz's iconic natural spots was transformed forever in one night.

California Local Pin Marker From The Sacramento Bee...

2020 carbon emissions fell because of the COVID-19 pandemic–but now emissions are on the rise again.

California Local Pin Marker From Santa Cruz Sentinel...

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a warm, dry winter is in store for much of California as La Niña conditions are expected to persist through at least January.

California Local Pin Marker From YubaNet...

2022 State of the Birds Report shows decline in more than half of the bird population, with grassland bird species shrinking the fastest. On the bright side, waterfowl are thriving in the nation’s wetlands.

California Local Pin Marker From California Local...

Image for display with article titled California and Coal: State Uses Little of Dirtiest Fossil Fuel. Can the Country Kick the Habit?

This is part of California Local's series on the energy sources that power the state, and what our energy future could be.

California Local Pin Marker From Santa Cruz Sentinel...

The system essentially captures toilet waste in sealable containers without need for water or connective sewer networks. Blanketed by sawdust to reduce odor, the waste is collected in biodegradable bags and transported to centralized composting facilities.