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Misunderstanding allows Lake Berryessa to remain Lake Berryessa
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The Yolo County Planning Commission is composed of seven members who serve four-year terms. Supervisors nominate one candidate each from their districts; the remaining two at-large members may be nominated by any board member and are appointed based on a majority vote.
This commission helps develop and maintain the county’s general plan and makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Commissioners hold a public hearing on any proposed zoning ordinance or amendment to a zoning ordinance and render a decision in the form of a written recommendation to the Board of Supervisors. The commission also reviews applications for conditional uses and variances from the terms of the zoning ordinance, and periodically looks over the county’s capital improvement program.
Meets on the second Thursday of each month at 8:30 a.m. in the Board of Supervisors’ chambers.
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