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One of the original counties created in 1850, when California became part of the United States, this Sacramento Valley county was originally named Yola—a name of uncertain meaning but most often said to stemming from the Indigenous term Yo-loy, “a place abounding in rushes.” Yolo County still abounds with wetlands, as well as rich agricultural lands, historic villages, flower fields and vineyards. But it’s also just across the river from the state capital and home to such economic drivers as the University of California, Davis and the Port of West Sacramento.
County government offices are based in Woodland, including the Yolo County Board of Supervisors, the county administrator’s office and many other departments. Residents can access various online forms to report issues and share feedback.
The Yolo County Board of Supervisors meets Tuesdays in the Room 206 of the County Administration Building, 625 Court St, Woodland. Agendas are posted online by 5 p.m. on the Friday prior to the meeting. Residents can provide input by requesting time to speak or submiting a written statement to Yolo County Board of Supervisors, 625 Court St, Room 204, Woodland, CA 95695 or via email to clerkoftheboard@yolocounty.org. (Photo: Maxim Studio/Shutterstock)
The Planning Commission helps develop and maintain the county’s general plan and makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Its meetings, open to the public, take place the second Thursday of the month at 8:30 a.m. in the Board of Supervisors’ chambers.
From Daily Democrat...
From West Sacramento News Ledger...
Yolo County Supervisor Angel Barajas, in collaboration with the Dunnigan Fire Association, successfully hosted the fourth annual Christmas Toy Distribution in the tight-knit community of Dunnigan.
The Yolo County Board of Supervisors held an official swearing-in ceremony on Jan. 6, marking the start of the newly-elected members' terms of service, at the Yolo County Administration Building in Woodland. Family, friends, colleagues and community leaders attended.
County of Yolo
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