Picture of Oscar Villegas

Supervisor Oscar Villegas

District 1


(916) 375-6440


Oscar Villegas represents District 1 on the Yolo County Board of Supervisors, which includes the city of West Sacramento and the Clarksburg area. He was elected to his third term in 2020; before joining the board, he served on the West Sacramento City Council. Villegas has been a field representative at the California Board of State and Community Corrections since 2008 and prior to that served in multiple positions at the California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs.

In a 2023 Daily Democrat article, Villegas outlined the priorities for his district: eliminating the impacts of COVID-19, bolstering health and human services programs, highlighting mobile farms, advocating for mental health services, and strengthening programs that help youth avoid the criminal justice pipeline.

Villegas was interviewed by the Sacramento Bee as part of its 2023 series Latino Change Makers, a list of 25 individuals who are agents of progress in the Capital Region. 

First elected: Villegas was appointed by Gov. Jerry Brown in 2014 to fill the vacant District 1 seat and went on to win terms in 2016 and 2020.

Previous positions held: West Sacramento City Council (2000-2014), West Sacramento Planning Commission.

Notable quote:The past three years have placed enormous pressure on local governments to respond to a global pandemic and our county was forced to pivot in areas never-before traveled in such a huge way. Once we passed the triage mode, we were able to focus upon a road map to accomplish the business of the county.” (Source: Daily Democrat, Feb. 5, 2023)

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