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Angel Barajas was elected to the Yolo County Board of Supervisors in 2020, running against incumbent Duane Chamberlain. Barajas represents District 5, which includes north Woodland, Knights Landing, Yolo, Madison, Esparto and the Capay Valley. Barajas has opened satellite offices in Esparto and Knights Landing to serve his district’s rural areas.
Also to better serve his district, Barajas supported key initiatives such as appropriating county funds for the Knights Landing Park and the Capay Valley Health and Community Center in Esparto. Barajas is an advocate for repairing rural residential roads, and he worked with Supervisor Gary Sandy, county staff and local fire chiefs to reorganize fire districts.
First elected: March 3, 2020
Alma mater: California State University, Sacramento (bachelor’s degree in government).
Other positions held: Woodland Community College Foundation Board, Woodland Joint Unified School District, Yolo County Fair Board, Woodland Parks & Recreation Commission.
Notable quote: “Having been born and raised in Woodland, I am deeply passionate and committed to our community. Both my parents worked in the fields of Yolo County, eventually retiring as local factory workers. I was taught to work hard and give back to my community.” (Campaign statement for Woodland City Council race)
From Daily Democrat...
From West Sacramento News Ledger...
Yolo County Supervisor Angel Barajas, in collaboration with the Dunnigan Fire Association, successfully hosted the fourth annual Christmas Toy Distribution in the tight-knit community of Dunnigan.
The Yolo County Board of Supervisors held an official swearing-in ceremony on Jan. 6, marking the start of the newly-elected members' terms of service, at the Yolo County Administration Building in Woodland. Family, friends, colleagues and community leaders attended.
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