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On Oct. 23, Mary Vixie Sandy was sworn in as a new member of the Yolo County Board of Supervisors, taking over the District 3 seat following the death of her husband, Gary Sandy, in mid-August. Vixie Sandy was appointed by Gov. Gavin Newsom to serve on the board until March 5, 2024, the date slated for an election to determine the voters’ choice for the seat.
Vixie Sandy has accumulated more than 25 years of experience working in higher education and government. At present she serves as the executive director of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, an independent standards board for educators. Vixie Sandy holds a doctorate in education from UC Berkeley, a master’s degree in education from UC Davis, and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Sonoma State.
Vixie Sandy told the Davis Democrat, “I have a great deal of experience with governance and with how elected or appointed bodies can organize themselves to serve the people within their scope. I think I bring a seasoned skill set to county government. There is a good bridge between the work I have been doing and the work I’m taking up. I’m excited to build that bridge and explore all of the possibilities.”
During the new supervisor’s transition into her new duties, two seasoned staffers are available to field calls: Chief of Staff Dotty Pritchard (530-666-8230; dotty.pritchard@yolocounty.org) and Assistant Deputy David Moreno (530-666-8237; david.moreno@yolocounty.org).
From Daily Democrat...
From West Sacramento News Ledger...
Yolo County Supervisor Angel Barajas, in collaboration with the Dunnigan Fire Association, successfully hosted the fourth annual Christmas Toy Distribution in the tight-knit community of Dunnigan.
The Yolo County Board of Supervisors held an official swearing-in ceremony on Jan. 6, marking the start of the newly-elected members' terms of service, at the Yolo County Administration Building in Woodland. Family, friends, colleagues and community leaders attended.
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