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Yolo County Education Articles

Image caption: University presidents across the Cal State system have seen their pay rise substantially as compared to faculty members.
Cal State Presidents Enjoyed 43% Pay Raise From 2007 to 2022

Mildred García, the new Cal State chancellor, is earning a total compensation of nearly $1 million. Meanwhile, university president pay has increased at a greater rate than that of faculty, who are preparing to strike in early December, and the …

Image caption: Cal State Sacramento is one of four universities where members of the faculty union plan to walk out.
Cal State Profs Plan Walkout in Fight for 12 Percent Pay Hike

Cal State officials offered a 5 percent increase for each of the next 3 years, though the raises are not guaranteed. The union plans strikes at four campuses.

Image caption: California's school buildings aren't what they used to be, after years or neglect and disrepair that the legislature now struggles to reverse.
California's Crumbling Schools: Legislature Crafting Huge Construction Bond

Small, rural districts often struggle to pass local bond measures to pay for school construction and repairs. In some cases, leaking roofs, dry rot and broken air conditioners haven’t been fixed in years.

Image caption: Under a new law signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, California students must now be educated in media literacy and critical thinking skills.
How to Spot Fake News Now Part of California School Curriculum

A new law requires K-12 schools to add media literacy to curriculum for English language arts, science, math and history-social studies. Among the lessons will be recognizing fake news.

Image caption: Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled affirmative action policies unconstitutional, some students are recosidering their college choices.
Affirmative Action: How SCOTUS Decision Changes College Admissions

After the Supreme Court ended affirmative action in college admissions, some students are rethinking their school selections. Some colleges are also boosting their student outreach as they seek diversity.

Image caption: California, America’s technology mecca, is quickly falling behind in education for the next generation of computer scientists.
California Ranks Low in Tech Education Due to Teacher Shortage

Only 40 percent of California high schools offer computer science classes as California falls behind in technology education nationally. A new law aims to make it easier to certify computer science teachers.

Image caption: California is one of the most complex political entities in the world. California Local’s upcoming book explains it all in 46 fascinating chapters.
‘How California Works’—a Synopsis of California Local’s First Book

California Local enters the world of book publishing with its upcoming book, ‘How California Works,’ explaining the inner workings of this ‘most American state.’

Image caption: Non-law enforcement spending on anti-hate efforts has topped $200 million since 2021, more than any other state.
California Spends Millions to Stop Hate Crimes. Here’s How

Hate crimes were up 20 percent in California in 2022, with those against transgender, Muslim and Black people increasing especially sharply. But the state is also spending more than any other to combat such crimes, including a hotline, state commission …

Image caption: New legislation will impose penalties on local school boards that ban books for covering issues of diversity.
New California Bill Slaps Back at School Book Bans

California will penalize school boards that ban books based on inclusion of certain groups under a bill the governor is expected to sign into law. But some fear unintended consequences.

Image caption: Protests have erupted statewide in response to right-wing activists in California school districts who are trying to put anti-LGBTQ+ policies in place.
State Moves to Stop Anti-LGBTQ+ Local School Board Policies

Under a system that has long prioritized local control for school districts. state officials now are fighting some recent board decisions regarding LGBTQ students.

Image caption:
Working Together: TTCF and California Local

A conversation with Stacy Caldwell, CEO of Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation

Image caption: Young actors and writers hoping to break into Hollywood say that current strikes will let them have viable careers.
Hollywood Strikes Vital to Livable Industry Careers, College Students Say

Strikes by the Writers Guild of America and Screen Actors Guild have shut down Hollywood. As workers demand fair compensation and regulations on artificial intelligence, college students aspiring to break into the industry are caught up in the historic moment.

Image caption: After a historic drop in enrollments due to the pandemic, community colleges are pouring money into marketing campaigns to get students back.
Community Colleges Use Flashy Marketing to Get Students Back

After a historic drop in enrollment during the COVID-19 pandemic, California community colleges are ramping up marketing efforts, spending more than $40 million in state and federal dollars to lure students back. Is it working?

Image caption: School board meetings about educating children have deteriorated into battles over hot-button culture war issues in some districts.
State Moves to Stop Culture Wars Upending California School Boards

California grants school boards much local control, but recent events have pushed the state to take steps to stop local school board meetings from turning into potentially dangerous culture war battlegrounds.

Image caption: Low transfers are also the fault of the UC and Cal State systems which rejected 30,000 applicants in 2020.
Community College Transfer Numbers Remain Far Below State’s Goal

Transfer to a four-year institution is a benchmark for success among community colleges, but the numbers are low and disparities across the system persist, especially between colleges in rural areas and those in wealthy suburbs.

Image caption: California smokers are kicking the habit, but that means lower tax revenues for child services under Prop 10.
Child Services Takes Hit as Tobacco Tax Revenue Drops Due to Quitting

A new ban on flavored tobacco products is accelerating a decline in nicotine tax revenue that funds California’s early childhood services. Some programs are already making cuts.

Image caption: Pres. Joe Biden decried the "hypocrisy" behind the Supreme Court's student loan forgiveness cancellation.
What Next For Student Loans After SCOTUS Ends Biden Debt Relief

The Supreme Court has terminated Pres. Biden's student debt relief program. Here's the reasoning the justices used to do it, how their decision affects Californians, and what's next for borrowers who must start paying again in October.

Image caption: Six of the nine Supreme Court justices, all appointed by Republican presidents, have voted to end affirmative action.
Supreme Court Bans Affirmative Action: What it Means for California

The Supreme Court has now overturned decades of precedent in a new ruling that bans affirmative action, the consideration of race in college admissions as a way to create campus diversity.

Image caption: The future of at-large city elections, a crucial voting rights issue, is now in the hands of the California Supreme Court.
At-Large vs. District Elections Case Heard at State Supreme Court

In a landmark case, California's Supreme Court will decide if cities must switch their at-large elections to a voting-by-district system after hearing oral arguments the Pico Neighborhood Association v. Santa Monica voting rights case June 27.

Image caption: A measure to roll back California's ban on affirmative action may appear the Nov. 2024 ballot.
Affirmative Action Comeback: California Voters May Decide

Though voters soundly rejected an effort to legalize affirmative action in California in 2020, state Democrats are trying again, proposing a limited version that would allow state agencies to consider race if academic research shows evidence those race-based programs could …


California's library system dates back 171 years.
How Cool Are Libraries?
California has gone from one library to more than 1,100 in the last 171 years.
California's sprawling public education system encompasses approximately 10,500 schools.
California’s Education System: How the Bureaucracy Works
How California's extensive public school system is organized and managed, explained.
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Yolo County families have many places to find help, including early childhood development services, after-school activities, and recreational opportunities.
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