Tahoe Weekly Tackles Trash

PUBLISHED MAR 10, 2021 12:00 A.M.
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A sled corral full of broken plastic sleds at Fallen Leaf Lake Hill.

A sled corral full of broken plastic sleds at Fallen Leaf Lake Hill.   Courtesy League to Save Lake Tahoe   Affiliate

Tahoe Weekly’s Priya Hunter offers deep reporting and her personal perspective on a serious trash problem that has roiled Lake Tahoe and the mountain communities that surround it since last summer.

It’s the sixth in a series that Hunter has written for Tahoe Weekly on the impact of a spike in population and tourism, which local leaders attribute to the pandemic.

“It’s all led to a trash nightmare and outrage in the community with people taking to social media and the streets to complain, and in many cases taking action to clean up Tahoe,” Hunter writes.

The article includes interviews with a dozen stakeholders and links to resources and the previous articles in the series.

Read Tahoe’s trash trouble continues at the Tahoe Weekly.

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