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New Health Center Executive Director
Big Sur Health Center has announced the appointment of its new Executive Director, Kathie Lester. Kathie has more than 25 years of diverse experience in healthcare program management, nonprofit le...
Special Kids Connect
Listed under: Education Families & Children
From Monterey County Weekly...
The Pajaro Assistance Center to aid people who were affected by the winter storms in 2023 will open on Wednesday, March 27 at Pajaro Park.
From California Local...
Beavers create unburned islands where plants and animals can shelter from megafires, research has confirmed. A movement is afoot to reintroduce the rodents to the state's waterways.
From Salinas Valley Tribune...
Monterey County’s Department of Emergency Management has announced the implementation of a cutting-edge Alert and Warning System designed to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents.
From Monterey Herald...
In January 2017, Monterey County was hit with an onslaught of storms, exacerbating damage in Big Sur and Carmel Valley from the 2016 Soberanes Fire, which left burn scars on 132,127 acres that were more prone to erosion and runoff.
The vision for Sand City’s Art Park was hatched during the height of the pandemic, when the community still wanted to socialize, but also stay outside and at a distance.
From Los Angeles Times...
On Tuesday, Feb. 27, the Monterey County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the Pajaro Unmet Needs Disaster Assistance Program that will provide financial assistance to individuals, households and business owners that were affected by the March 2023 flooding in the Pajaro Valley.
From King City Rustler...
Reducing hazards of fire and floods in the riverbed area adjacent to the community has been an ongoing objective for the City of King.
The 246th Battalion of the California Cadet Corps of Greenfield High School had 15 cadets attend the Winter Wilderness Skills Course to earn their Specialized Training Ribbon.
From CalMatters...
From KSQD...
As climate change and atmospheric rivers bring flooding, wind storms, and power outages to the Central Coast, Monterey County must prepare for an ongoing shift in its communities.
From SF Gate...
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