Monterey County Local News

Curated Local News articles published by local newsrooms.

CA Rent Control Battle Goes to the Ballot


Amid a Southern California heat wave, about 300 advocates for rent control — with two 10-foot “greedy landlord” puppets — rallied Thursday in downtown Los Angeles, chanting: “The rent is too damn high!”

Reparations Supporters Plot Comeback After Bitter Defeat in California Legislature


The controversial idea of cash reparations divided even Black advocates in the legislature this year. Here’s what’s next.

CSUMB Ranks 23rd of Top 500 Colleges


Learn more about the survey ranking by social mobility placing California State University Monterey Bay at 23rd in the top 500 colleges nationally.

Two Nonprofits Benefit From Community Estate Sale


A two-month running "estate sale" sale in Carmel Valley of items donated by community members raised over $43,000 to benefit the Housing for Kids Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County and Center for Spiritual Awakening in Pacific Grove.

Should California Community Colleges Offer Bachelor’s Degrees in Nursing? Universities Say No


Lawmakers approved two bills to allow some community colleges to provide bachelor’s degrees in nursing. That’s setting up another conflict with the California State University, which already offers these bachelor’s degrees.

Pacific Grove Council Moving to District Elections


In their September 4 meeting, the Pacific Grove City Council voted unanimously to begin the process of moving from at-large to by-district representation.

Salinas City Council Proceeds With Tenant Protection Statutes


In their August 20 meeting, the Salinas City Council approved development of three new tenent protection ordinances following years of complaints from local renters.

California Has Spent Billions on Homelessness but Lacks Hard Data on Outcomes


California has allocated more than $20 billion to alleviate the state’s homelessness crisis since Gavin Newsom became governor in 2019, but there’s precious little data on how the money was spent and what effect it’s had, other than the number of unhoused people has continued to climb.

California School Dashboard Lacks Pandemic Focus, Earns a D Grade in Report


The California School Dashboard makes it hard for the public to see how schools and districts are performing over multiple years, concludes the report's lead author.

California Schools Release a Blizzard of Data, and That’s Why Parents Can’t Make Sense of It


Information about how the state’s K-12 students are performing is located on several sites and is difficult to understand, a new report finds.

More Extreme Heat + More People = Danger in These California Cities. ‘Will It Get as Hot as Death Valley?’


Inland communities with big population booms will experience the most extreme heat days under climate change projections. The combination puts more people at risk — and many cities are unprepared.

Are CA Gig Workers Getting Promised Pay and Benefits?


California voters passed Proposition 22 four years ago. The ballot initiative, backed by Uber, Lyft and other gig companies, promised the state’s more than 1 million gig workers new benefits, such as guaranteed minimum earnings, health care stipends, occupational accident insurance and accidental death insurance.

Health Care in California: How the State Made Almost Everyone Eligible for Coverage


Almost everyone in California has health insurance. That trend reflects about a decade and a half of policymaking designed to expand access to health care. The state’s average uninsured rate has dropped from nearly one in four Californians in 2009 to less than one in ten today.

CSUMB Enrollment Up, Juggling With Housing


With enrollment up for the first time in years, Cal State Monterey Bay had to work hard to find enough student housing.

California’s Economy Lags Behind Other States, Here’s Why It’s So Sluggish


California’s unemployment rate, 5.2% of its labor force in July, is no longer the nation’s highest after months of having that dubious distinction.

CalFire Deploys New Air Tanker


CalFire received the first of five planes promised by the federal government, a former Coast Guard C-130 Hercules air tanker.

Looking Back on CSUMB Founding


The Monterey Herald sits down with Cal State Monterey Bay's first president, Peter Smith, and look back 30 years to the founding of the university.

Gavin Newsom Calls Special Session on Gas Prices


Unable to jam through bills he says will lower California gas prices, Gov. Newsom calls the Legislature back into session.

California’s Inequality Hotspots


A large apartment complex in San Rafael’s majority-Latino Canal neighborhood. Latino families in Marin County are far more likely than white families to have trouble making ends meet, a new report finds.

More Affordable Housing Funds Could Come With New Labor Requirements


The Legislature is willing to guarantee $500 million annually to affordable housing developers, but with a caveat.

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