There is an important message:

This Holiday Season, Donate to Monterey County Gives.

Image of City of Sand City seal. 

Address:   1 Sylvan Way, Sand City, CA 93955


Engineering and Public Works


Department head: Mark Parker

1 Pendergrass Way, Sand City, CA 93955

Mark Parker: (831) 394-1386

The City Engineer is Leon Gomez with Harris & Associates. Since 2019, the local office of Harris & Associates has provided municipal engineering services to the City of Sand City. Harris & Associates is located at 450 Lincoln Ave, Suite 103, Salinas, CA 93901; Telephone (831) 789-8670.

Utility services in Sand City include the following:

All water service within the City of Sand City is provided by the California American Water Company Monterey Water System. For questions on the drinking water system or for tours of the Sand City Water Supply Project Desalination Plant, call (831) 646-3205.

The sanitary sewer collection system is owned and maintained by the Seaside County Sanitation District. Contact the SCSD at (831) 899-6825. Maintenance of the storm drain inlet and underground collection system is performed by Public Works. Maintenance of the storm water interceptor and percolation systems is performed by contract with Storm Water Inspection and Maintenance Services.

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