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Moss Landing Power Plant Fire last night
January 17, 2025, 5:58 a.m. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SETS EMERGENCY MEETING TO DEAL WITH MOSS LANDING FIRE Last night's disastrous fire at the Vistra battery storage facility at the Moss Landing power...
Max's Helping Paws Foundation
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Chaps Poduri successfully ran for a Pacific Grove City Council seat in November 2020. On the council website, Poduri describes the “unique skills and experience” he brings to city government. A Pacific Grove resident since 2016, he has been involved with public-sector institutions throughout his 20-year professional career—a background that he says gave him an understanding of different cultures and business environments. Currently he is director for commercial payments at Bank of America. In this position he works with states, cities, municipalities, healthcare and higher-education clients, including California’s Secretary of State office, the Employment Development Department, and the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Poduri, who has a master’s degree in computer sciences, became a U.S. citizen in 2019 after 19 years of residency in the United States. He and his wife have three children. A relative newcomer to city politics, Poduri won his seat over candidates with more name recognition. He told Monterey County Weekly, “I come in as more progressive as compared to the rest of the pack,” he says. “I do believe in diversity and inclusion. Racial injustice is happening and we do need to do something about that fact.” The new councilmember has repurposed his campaign website, ChapsforPG.com, to serve as a COVID-19 resource page.
Committee, board and commission assignmentsArchitectural Review Board (liaison)Transportation Agency of Monterey County
From Monterey County Weekly...
In their second meeting since seating a new mayor and councilmembers, the Pacific Grove City Council wasted no time making a bold move to create a business liaison position with the possibility of eliminating the all-volunteer Economic Development Commission in 2025.
It’s possibly one of the most democratic tasks any citizen can partake in besides voting – direct participation in drawing the boundaries of future voting districts.
The seven-member Pacific Grove City Council is shy one councilmember, after Debby Beck resigned her position in November. On Dec. 4 the council approved an application for those interested in serving, due by 5pm, Friday, Jan. 3.
From Monterey Herald...
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