Community and Economic Development Department


248 Main St, Soledad, CA 93960

Visit website for current contact information.

The Community & Economic Development Department champions economic vitality and livable neighborhoods while preserving Soledad’s unique character.

The department encompasses six divisions. The Economic Development Division promotes investments in the city, providing retail opportunities to meet residents’ needs and creating job opportunities. The Housing Division focuses on accommodating population growth (Soledad almost doubled in size in the 1990s and 2000s) through the development of single-family and multi-family housing.

The Planning Division ensures that commercial, residential, and industrial developments do not negatively affect the quality of life for residents and business owners and are constructed in accordance with good design practices. The Building & Safety Division ensures that existing structures and new developments conform to high safety standards. That goal is facilitated by the work of the Building Inspection Services Division and the Code Enforcement Division.