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Moss Landing Power Plant Fire last night
January 17, 2025, 5:58 a.m. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SETS EMERGENCY MEETING TO DEAL WITH MOSS LANDING FIRE Last night's disastrous fire at the Vistra battery storage facility at the Moss Landing power...
Listed under: Health Veterans
For the second year in a row, winter storms and flooding impacted the local agriculture industry, Monterey County’s largest.
One of the most popular outdoor dining parklets in Pacific Grove and two of its neighbors will be dismantled later this year, to be replaced by extended sidewalks and "light footprint" structures at an estimated cost of $400,000, the P.G.…
GREENFIELD — Greenfield Market and Gas Inc. will receive $877,500 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to help create infrastructure for the sale and production of renewable fuels.
More than any other city on the Monterey Peninsula, Sand City feels like a place of possibility, somewhere that new ideas can take root and flourish.
SALINAS VALLEY — Salinas Valley Fair has announced the completion of the extensive renovation of the Expo Building, marking a new chapter in its storied history.
SALINAS VALLEY — Nearly 40,000 people attended the 80th Annual Salinas Valley Fair over the course of its four-day celebration in South Monterey County last week.
On May 9, staff from the Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency presented its board a long-awaited study about the so-called Deep Aquifers, which have been increasingly mined in recent years as seawater intrusion marches inland toward the city of…
Anthony Saua, director of Organic Rising, talks about the rise of organic agriculture and its importance to health, the environment and slowing global warming,
CENTRAL COAST — Despite significant progress since the release of a landmark 2018 farmworker housing study quantifying critically overcrowded housing conditions for agricultural workers in the region, thousands more homes are needed to relieve severe overcrowding, unaffordable rents and ensure …
Over the past few months, Salinas residents have seen an increase in street vendors in high-traffic areas, including food trucks. This can make it easy to grab a bite to eat, but also comes with issues. Residents have been calling…
For the past four years, All-In Monterey County has helped distribute food, clothing and more to thousands of residents every month. Its volunteers were deployed throughout Pajaro following flooding in 2023, helping disaster-stricken residents clear out the mud from their…
A shorthanded County of Monterey Planning Commission was split on its decision over a proposed farmworker housing project in Pajaro on Wednesday, April 10. The 3-3 tie denies the proposal, which allows the developer to appeal the decision to the…
The state is considering zeroing out funds for CalWORKS family stabilization and job subsidy programs to help balance the budget.
KING CITY — King City in Bloom (KCIB) and King City High School FFA joined forces March 20 for the second annual collaboration workday.
The Pajaro Assistance Center to aid people who were affected by the winter storms in 2023 will open on Wednesday, March 27 at Pajaro Park.
GONZALES — Last Wednesday afternoon, 77 members of the Gonzales High School FFA held a door-to-door food drive to collect food for the Food Bank for Monterey County’s Gonzales Program.
KING CITY — Community Food Pantry of King City is again partnering with Goodwill Industries for another collection drive in April.
Paris Bakery is under new ownership, but regulars may not notice a difference.
The Williamson Act, passed in 1965, now keeps more than 16 million acres of farmland out of the hands of developers. Here's how the law puts the brakes on the development of California agricultural properties.
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