Image of Pajaro Regional Flood Management Agency seal. 

Pajaro Regional Flood Management Agency Overview

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Address:   701 Ocean St, Room 410, Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Official Links:   WEBSITE

The Pajaro Regional Flood Management Agency is a joint powers authority with control shared between Santa Cruz and Monterey counties, the city of Watsonville, the Santa Cruz County Flood Control and Water Conservation Zone No. 7, and the Monterey County Water Resources Agency. Formed in 2021, the agency will plan, finance and implement projects and programs to reduce flood risk from the lower Pajaro River and its tributaries in Santa Cruz and Monterey counties.

The Pajaro River Flood Risk Management Project—a $400 million effort to reduce flood risk from the lower Pajaro River and Corralitos and Salsipuedes Creeks—will provide 100-year flood protection to the city of Watsonville and the town of Pajaro, and a mix of 100-year and 25-year flood protection to the surrounding agricultural areas.

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Image for display with article titled PRFMA Advances Plan to Fund Gaps in Levee Protection

Later this year, the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Pajaro Regional Flood Management Agency will start construction of its $600 million Pajaro River Flood Risk Management Project, a long overdue effort to improve levees along the Pajaro River and Corralitos and Salsipuedes creeks.

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Mark Strudley, executive director of the Pajaro Regional Flood Management Agency, estimates that work will begin in late summer or early fall, starting at the Corralitos Creek Bridge.

The Pajaronian logo From The Pajaronian...

Image for display with article titled Officials Sign Agreement to Rebuild Pajaro River Levee

The legally binding agreement between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Pajaro Regional Flood Risk Management Agency describes the $599 million project and the responsibilities of both parties.

The Pajaronian logo From The Pajaronian...

Image for display with article titled Pipeline to Go Under Highway 1

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Monterey County Weekly logo From Monterey County Weekly...

Image for display with article titled Agency Formed to Address Pajaro Valley Flooding Already Splintering

Two years after its formation, the Pajaro Regional Flood Management Agency is already at risk of breaking up.

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