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Nevada County Veterans Digest

Ending Nevada County Veteran Homelessness


Learn more about the Nevada County “Housed for the Holidays” program which aims to ending local veteran homelessness.

Nevada County Veterans Services


Learn more about the different services offered to veterans in Nevada County.

Nevada County Hosting Veterans’ Health & Wellness Fair


A Veteran's Health & Wellness Fair is being hosted by the Nevada County Veterans Service Office on August 29 in Grass Valley.

Grant Awarded for Veterans and Senior Services


A $10 million dollar grant was awarded to Nevada County and community partners for the upgrade of the Grass Valley and Nevada City Veterans Halls and services for local seniors and other residents in need.

Unhoused Veterans Score Legal Victory in Suit Against VA


Federal judge David O. Carter has declined to dismiss a lawsuit that could force the Veterans Administration to house veterans experiencing homelessness in the Los Angeles area. Carter’s 41-page ruling could pave the way for a trial in mid-2024.

Study Links Testicular Cancer Among Military Personnel to ‘Forever Chemicals’


The link between PFAS and testicular cancer among service members was never directly proven—until now.

Veteran, Woman-Owned Gifting Company Makes Impact on Tight-Knit Community


For owners of Tahoe Gifting Co., graphic designer Darya Shahvaran and veteran Matthew Rautio, the small and beautiful community of Incline Village seemed like the perfect place to place roots in 2020 after trying to find a place to live here for a few years.

Nevada County Asks Veterans to Take Survey


The Veterans Services Office has launched its fourth annual online “All Veterans Survey,” which will help shape the VSO’s strategic plan. Some 500 veterans responded last year.

Sgt. Nicole Gee Remembered at Roseville Memorial


Several hundred mourners gathered in Roseville on Sept. 18 to honor U.S. Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee, killed in a suicide bombing in Afghanistan. Family and friends spoke about the Roseville native and her outstanding service to her country.

Local Vets Match Funds to Help End Veteran Homelessness


Beginning Aug. 1, for 11 days only, donations to Hospitality House’s Homeless Veterans Housing Program will be doubled by Friends of Nevada County Military, up to $25,000.

Veterans Share Views


The Nevada County Veterans Services Office is collecting input from the thousands of local service members and their families.


California is home to many veterans in need of a variety of resources. From housing assistance to mental health services, the Golden State provides avenues to hope and healing.
At Their Service
California‘s veteran population is the country’s largest, and it’s as varied as the nations in which these men and women served.
Stand Down events provide veterans with valuable resources including housing assistance, medical care, and a solid community of support.
Veterans in Need ‘Stand Down’
At hundreds of Stand Down events throughout California, veterans agencies and organizations come together to deliver life’s necessities.
Celebrating Veterans Every Day
These organizations are dedicated to serving the needs of those who served America.