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Meet Leyne Milstein, Sacramento’s new Interim City Manager
The Sacramento City Council this week unanimously approved a contract appointing Leyne Milstein as the City’s Interim City Manager. Milstein officially assumed the role on Jan. 14, stepping in to ...
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Listed under: Families & Children
Sacramento students from the ages of 14 to 24 can apply for the Youth Commission, which is tasked with planning, organizing and implementing (with the assistance city staff) events, programs, and activities for the young people of the community. Facilitated by the City’s Department of Youth, Parks, and Community Enrichment. Board members can serve up to two terms of two years in duration.
Meetings are typically held on the first Monday of the month at 6 p.m. in City Council Chambers, 915 I St, Sacramento, 2nd Floor Hearing Room.
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