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Image for display with article titled Hollister, SJB Gain U.S. Funds for Water System Upgrades

A federal committee last week approved about $63 million in funding for the improvement and expansion of infrastructure. The funds include more than $15 million in upgrades in San Juan Bautista and Hollister, according to U.S. Representative Zoe Lofgren’s office.

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Image for display with article titled Hollister Council Terminates 2 Fire Service Contracts

In a 4-1 vote the Hollister City Council on June 18 agreed to terminate the city’s fire services contracts with San Benito County and San Juan Bautista. According to council members, this is a move to raise the fees it charges for those services.

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Image for display with article titled San Juan Bautista Asks for Input Into Planned Developments Outside City Limits

At their May 28 meeting, the San Juan Bautista Urban Growth Boundary Sphere of Influence Committee reviewed a draft memorandum of understanding with the San Benito Board of Supervisors which would allow the city to have input into proposed developments on county property outside both the city limits and its sphere of influence.

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Image for display with article titled San Juan Bautista Assesses Its Progress and Looks Ahead

City Manager Don Reynolds’ monthly report to the San Juan Bautista City Council at the May 21 meeting featured news about movies, recreation and food.

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Image for display with article titled Dept. Of Agriculture Awards $12.5 Million to San Juan Bautista

The funds are a combination of grants and low-cost federal loans to improve wastewater infrastructure.

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The San Benito County Council of Governments have received an $8.2 million grant for transportation infrastructure from the California Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program and Zero Emission Transit Capital Program.

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The San Juan Bautista City Council considered a draft ordinance reducing restrictions on food trucks operating in the city.

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The city-owned Luck Museum is in need of repair to protect its collection of artifacts and records from the elements.

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The San Juan Bautista City Council debated possible changes to the city’s business district regulations and whether to reopen discussion on instituting a parking plan.

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The 34-units D’Ambrosio Vista project is proposed for Third Street near the sewage treatment plant.

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City Manager Don Reynolds confirmed that he had met with location scouts from Warner Brothers. Mission Plaza, the Zanetta House, the bar at the Plaza Hotel and the Mission itself have been named as likely locations.

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Ways to cope with the area’s ever-present need for a reliable supply of water were outlined during a presentation to the San Juan Bautista City Council by Holly Kennedy and Steve Wittry of the San Benito County Water District.

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Image for display with article titled Your 2024 Primary Election Guide

Though overshadowed by the presidential race, many state and local contests that affect residents of San Benito County will be decided on March 5.

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BenitoLink looks ahead to construction projects in the county that are expected to begin or be completed in 2024.

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Councilmember Scott Freels was elected to a one-year term as mayor of San Juan Bautista at the Dec. 19 City Council meeting.

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Complications facing the architects of the new gas station to be built at the Alameda and Hwy 156 seems to be finally leading to approval by the San Juan Bautista Planning Commission.

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Brian Foucht, San Juan Bautista’s assistant city manager, was placed on paid administrative leave, City Manager Don Reynolds confirmed on Dec. 6. Reynolds said the leave was performance-related and that his office was “gathering some information and doing an investigation.”

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The San Juan Bautista City Council made several decisions that will affect the town for years to come, including retaining food and beverage parklets until mid-2026, passing a long-debated urban growth boundary that restricts future developments through 2035, and reassessing the San Juan Bautista Economic Development Citizens Advisory Committee.

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The Intergovernmental Committee approved a letter asking Caltrans to prohibit left turns onto Highway 156 from Flint and Bixby roads and Lucy Brown Lane between 3-7 p.m.

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San Benito County presented to the Hollister and San Juan Bautista city councils a final report and proposal to form a JPA, along with Hazel Hawkins Hospital’s current governing body, San Benito Health Care District.

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During a six-hour meeting on Oct 18, the San Juan Bautista City Council approved the installation of traffic surveillance cameras, opposed a plan to conduct a further study of the business community, and postponed a decision on approving the proposed Urban Growth Boundary.

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Two new projects for San Juan Bautista were considered by the city’s Historic Resources Board. The first was a gas station project at the corner of Hwy 156 and The Alameda. The second was the demolition of existing buildings at 45 Washington Street to be followed by the construction of four duplex units within two two-story apartment buildings.

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The City Council agreed to send the 2023-2031 Housing Element and Fair Housing Analysis, which requires the city to plan for a minimum of 88 housing units over eight years, despite reservations.

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The Planning Commission voted to forward a draft of the 2023-2031 Housing Element and Fair Housing Analysis to the San Juan Bautista City Council before submitting it to the California Department of Housing and Community Development.

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Members of the San Juan Bautista Urban Growth/Sphere of Influence Ad-Hoc Committee expressed a desire to remain in control of future development, and most said they want to stay away from historic areas and agricultural land.

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Image for display with article titled As Sewer Plant Approaches Capacity, Hollister OKs More Housing Hookups

The Hollister City Council meeting went on until almost midnight June 20 in a discussion over the potential expansion of services for the city’s Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant.

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The San Juan Bautista City Council approved a $18.7 million water agreement with the city of Hollister. City Manager Don Reynolds announced that the project to divert the city’s wastewater to the Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant in Hollister is firmly on track.

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Image for display with article titled Rib Cook-Off Draws Hungry Guests

Live music and the smell of barbecue filled the air throughout San Juan Bautista May 5-7 as the San Juan Bautista Rib Cook-Off returned to the historic city’s downtown.

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In a reversal following public comments from divided retail business owners and residents, the council rescinded a decision to remove all of San Juan Bautista’s parklets by April 28 and voted instead on a motion to keep them through the end of 2023.
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