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From CalMatters...
1 in 6 CHP Jobs Are Vacant — Despite Historic Raises and Newsom’s Hiring Campaign
California Highway Patrol officers received historically high raises in 2022 and 2023, but it continues to face a high vacancy rate of 16%.
California Seeks Biden Administration Approval for Controversial Diesel Truck Ban
The EPA must grant a waiver before the diesel truck measure can be implemented. It’s one of California’s most controversial measures to clean up air pollution and greenhouse gases.
The new Union Road bridge is on schedule to be completed by December 2024, replacing the aging existing bridge that spans the San Benito River between Cienega Road and San Benito Street. According to San Benito County Public Works Administrator …
The California Department of Motor Vehicles this week announced that the Hollister office, located at 80 North Sally Street, will temporarily expand its operating hours to include Fridays, in addition to its regular Tuesday and Thursday schedule.
Lea este artículo en español aquí.
Information provided by Caltrans. Lea este articulo en español aquí.
Information provided by California DMV. Lea este articulo en español aquí.
With two of downtown Gilroy’s largest parking lots closed to vehicles due to construction on Gourmet Alley and nearby street spaces filling up quickly every day, city officials will soon begin more strictly enforcing the neighborhood’s parking limits.
In downtown Gilroy on June 15, under a warm summer sun, the 2024 Garlic City Car Show unfolded with a blend of nostalgia and innovation.
Lea este articulo en español aquí.
The Gilroy Department of Motor Vehicles office will be temporarily closed for renovations from June 19-Sept. 3, the state DMV said in a press release.
City of Hollister Airport Advisory Commission
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