Picture of Paul Canepa

Supervisor Paul Canepa

District 2


(209) 468-3113


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Supervisor Paul Canepa is a native of Stockton. He is the youngest of seven children, and is now a parent of two grown daughters himself. His family is well-known to Stockton locals, as they have been running Canepa’s Car Wash since 1955. The business continues to be family-owned and Paul was raised with a community-driven mentality.

With the support of wife Leslie, Supervisor Canepa has served on the local school board, the Stockton City Council, and now as supervisor for District 2. He has a passion for a variety of issues, including agriculture and water management, business development, and finding solutions for the homeless of San Joaquin County.

First elected: Nov. 8, 2022

Day job: Canepa’s Car Wash in downtown Stockton since 1989

Alma mater: St. Mary’s College (B.S. degree)

Notable quote: I, along with the County Mental Health Department and law enforcement, will create strategic partnerships with local non-profits and faith based organizations to jointly outreach to the folks in need. We can work to track and collect valuable data that will help us in our efforts to continue to address the root causes of the homelessness crisis and help guide our unsheltered population to helpful services in the community. ” (Source: PaulCanepa.com)

Committee, board and commission assignments:  Behavioral Health Advisory Board, Children & Youth Task Force, City/County/Transit District Liason Committee, Community Action Board, Community Development Block Grant Advisory Committee, Continuum of Care, Countywide Oversight Board, Deferred Compensation Committee, Eastern San Joaquin Groundwater Authority, Health Commission of San Joaquin, Hospital Joint Conference Committee, Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council, National Association of Counties, San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency, San Joaquin Valley Regional Association of California Counties

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