City Attorney

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500 Castro St, Third Floor, Mountain View, CA 94041

(650) 903-6303

The legal advisor for the City Council and the city of Mountain View, the City Attorney's Office handles all civil actions and proceedings to which the City is a party and prosecutes all criminal actions involving the City Code. Code enforcement is under the direct supervision of the assistant city attorney. Staff is responsible for enforcing code provisions relating to zoning, neighborhood preservation, and vehicles on private property.

The City Attorney's Office represents and advises the council, boards, commissions, departments, and all city officials in matters of law and necessary drafts of legal documents, ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and other documents pertaining to the city's business. It also is responsible for retaining outside counsel, if necessary.

The office is also responsible for providing legal services in connection with the Shoreline Regional Park (North Bayshore), Downtown Parking District, and Downtown Revitalization Authority.