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FC2025 discounts in Downtown San Jose
If you have seen people walking around Downtown San Jose looking like Disney characters, that's because Furcon is in town this weekend and runs until January 20th. Downtown Ice might be extra ente...
Guadalupe River Park Conservancy
Listed under: Environment Parks & Recreation Sustainability
The former president railed against Democrats and again claimed the 2020 election was rigged, even though he lost California by nearly two-to-one. The GOP's 2023 state convention also heard from Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Tim Scott and Vivek Ramaswamy.
More than half a million fast food workers, mostly minorities and women, will earn higher minimum wage because Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a fast food bill Thursday. But some say that’s not a living wage.
The California Democrat, the oldest member of Congress, had suffered a precipitous decline in health in recent months.
Dianne Feinstein, California’s longtime senior U.S. senator, has died at age 90, after a legendary career in public life that began in 1961 and took off amidst the turbulent, violent era of San Francisco in the 1970s.
Gov. Newsom just signed a tax on firearms and ammunition, among other new gun control laws. California’s remaining gun manufacturers wonder if they have a future.
A union-backed bill that would make strikers eligible for California’s unemployment benefits awaits the governor’s signature. Businesses say it’ll cost too much.
Meet tiny newsroom co-founder Kara Meyberg Guzman, who has been honored by the Local Independent Online News Publishers Association.
Larry Stone, Santa Clara County assessor for 28 years, said he agreed with the FPPC finding, and has changed the mailing list procedures for his annual report.
About 300,000 Californians have lost Medi-Cal coverage since the state resumed eligibility checks. You have options if you get a notice about your coverage.
A bipartisan bill to prohibit TikTok on state phones is shelved until 2024. It had breezed through the state Legislature, but the authors want to tweak the measure. It's the latest social media regulation to get stalled in California.
Psychedelics are having a moment. A nationwide push to bring magic mushrooms and other psychedelics into the mainstream is gaining traction, and some Californians want in.
State boards are backing a bill to continue carve-outs from California’s open meetings law. An unusual coalition of good government, press, taxpayer and industry groups is fighting back.
A recent state survey reveals 2 in 3 Black women are breadwinners; 8 in 10 worry about discrimination or mistreatment and more like Gov. Gavin Newsom than Vice President Kamala Harris.
Florida governor and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis finally agreed to debate California Gov. Gavin Newsom after a feud hat has lasted for more than a year and included DeSantis dumping planeloads of immigrants in Sacramento.
Gilroy City Councilmember Zach Hilton announced he will be seeking re-election in 2024. Hilton, a firefighter/paramedic for the Oakland Fire Department, was first elected to the council in 2020 after serving as chair of the Gilroy Bicycle Pedestrian Commission. “Over …
Gilroy Mayor Marie Blankley got an early start on the 2024 election, announcing July 20 that she will seek to retain her seat next year. In a press release, Blankley, who was elected as mayor in 2020 after serving on …
Here are 10 of the most often-heard climate change denial claims and arguments. Do any of them hold any water?
To understand climate change denial, we must go back to the Ronald Reagan presidency and his proposal for the “Star Wars” space-based missile defense system.
The most sweeping bills to change California elections got shelved in the Legislature. Instead, lawmakers are focusing on ballot measure language, local redistricting, voting integrity and campaign finance tweaks before the 2024 election.
Supporters say a series of bills before the Legislature would improve work-life balance by expanding sick days and family leave. But opponents say the proposals would hurt struggling small businesses.
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