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FC2025 discounts in Downtown San Jose
If you have seen people walking around Downtown San Jose looking like Disney characters, that's because Furcon is in town this weekend and runs until January 20th. Downtown Ice might be extra ente...
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Depending on one’s political allegiances, the Cupertino City Council’s May 9 meeting was either a necessary rebuke of unprofessional behavior or a dramatic last stand for representative democracy. But even to an outsider, one thing became quite clear as the …
On the Santa Cruz City Council, then as mayor, and then as county supervisor, Ryan Coonerty learned to love politics.
The California Supreme Court has kept the state at the forefront of legal issues surrounding abortion, the death penalty and same-sex marriage, starting in its earliest days in the Gold Rush era.
Members of the California Legislature took nearly $1 million worth of trips sponsored by interest groups in 2022. The California Foundation on the Environment and the Economy accounted for 40% of the travel spending. Over the years, some of its …
The Problem Solvers Caucus wants to put policy before partisan politics. Can such bipartisan caucuses change the California Legislature?
California’s Legislature has become more diverse than ever. At the same time, a rally against transgender healthcare was held at the state Capitol and anti-semitism in the state is on the rise.
State of Jefferson may be the best-known secessionist movement, but starting before California became a state, there have been at lest 220 efforts to divide the state into two pieces, or even more.
State of Jefferson is a movement by northern counties to secede from California and form a new state. Here's everything you need to know about this secessionist movement, which started in 1941 and remains strong today.
Peter Thiel, the Donald Trump supporting Silicon Valley billionaire and venture capitalist, may have played a big role inthe bank run that ended in the failure of Silicon Valley Bank. But why?
In a time of unprecedented polarization, Braver Angels encourages citizens to do something completely revolutionary: listen to each other.
The U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday heard arguments in a potential landmark case that could roll back Section 230, the 27-year-old law that protects free speech on social media and other online platforms. Which way were the justices leaning?
With Tuesday’s swearing in of the two new San Jose City Council members appointed last week, all 11 chairs are now filled. It remains to be seen whether new Mayor Matt Mahan can find a majority to support his plans. …
Councilmember Kamei was elected to San José City Council last year with over 60% of the popular vote, representing District 1 in West San José.
Arjun Batra led on all three ballots during the council selection process, which required a two-thirds majority to win.
For her first legislative move since being elected to the California Assembly, Los Gatos' representative, Gail Pellerin, chose to advance the interests of people who'd rather not declare themselves as part of one of the teams in our de facto …
The vote came after six hours of interviews, comments and deliberations on the merits of five finalists who had been picked by the council last week. The process had been abruptly interrupted at 7pm by “an urgent adjournment to a …
Kevin McCarthy has reached the top position in the U.S. House, but has still fallen short in addressing the ongoing water crisis in his owndistrict, a new CNN.com report says.
When a divided San Jose City Council decided in December to appoint rather than hold an election to fill two vacant seats in 2023, they pledged the process would be 'transparent.'.
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