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Soccer in San Jose
Visit San Jose has just released a video promoting soccer in San Jose. It's only 90 seconds long, and highlights tailgating, PayPal Park, and our awesome Earthquakes fanbase. Enjoy it embedded below.
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Making it through the earthquake is the easy part. The hard part is surviving in the chaos that follows.
Worsening droughts, competition for scarce supplies, sea level rise, groundwater contamination, earthquakes, wildfires and extreme weather all contribute to California water woes.
The post Rain is Good News, but Doesn't Change California's Dire Drought Outllook appeared first on San Jose …
The climate change era has created a whole new set of terms for a wide variety of storms and other weather phenomena. Here are some of the most important.
California residents can turn to these public and private entities to help prepare for wildfires and protect their property.
In which we ponder human self organization.
Even as California’s wildfires grow more intense seemingly every year, insurers are cancelling policies for homeowners in the path of the fires.
California Local gives a voice to community volunteers—and the business leaders who make their work possible.
Climate scientists say that global warming is making wildfire season much worse. Here's how climate change causes fires to be more destructive.
What is California’s Forest Management Task Force and what does it do?
This year's dry lightning storms left the state scrambling to for climate change solutions.
Shutdowns have hurt business in Little Saigon, Japantown, Little Portugal, and Little Italy.
As requests for basic needs grow, including food, shelter, and financial assistance for rent, non-profits move to help those most at risk.
Santa Clara County Health Officer Sara Cody urged continued caution to prevent the coronavirus pandemic from exploding.
California remains a leader in limiting the number of COVID-19 deaths, following the March 19 orders to shut down nonessential businesses, close schools, and shelter in place.
Tall buildings in San Jose and Walnut Creek are at a greater risk of earthquake damage.
Statewide system launches on 30th anniversary of the Loma Prieta Earthquake,
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