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Massive Asia Live food complex coming to Valley Fair
I was quite bummed when iChina closed down at Valley Fair. I thought the opulent restaurant was San Jose's best chance at getting another Michelin star. However, the good news is that the space wi...
Listed under: Animals
As fire, heat waves and drought threaten the state’s water and power supplies, the governor calls for consumers to cut back on use.
Work begins on what officials say is an essential seismic upgrade to Anderson Dam, draining the reservoir even though Santa Clara County is in the middle of a drought.
Homeowners whose fire insurance policies were not renewed remain frustrated in their fight to get them back.
Pacific Gas & Electric is asking customers to pay more for protection from wildfires caused by PG&E.
The court system is our most direct contact with the government. Here's a brief explanation of Santa Clara County's Superior Court, how it works and what it does.
A Superior Court Judge has placed at least some limits on the governor's power to impose health-related restrictions. Here's what that means.
Flurry of COVID-19 cases in Santa Clara County jails leads to calls for more inmate releases.
California reporters covering the George Floyd protests often provided crucial context for confusing events. Here are some notable examples.
As protests continued in the Bay Area Monday and Tuesday, local police shot three people in separate incidents.
The ordinance, authored by Santa Clara County Supervisor Dave Cortese, requires gun owners to secure their weapons when not in use.
This timeline follows recent legislative activity regarding firearms and public safety in San Jose and Santa Clara County.
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