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Saturday 2/1: Marina: Keep Eyes on Sudan Community Solidarity Event
Marina Library, Community Room, 190 Seaside Circle Marina, CA 93933
Santa Cruz Works
Listed under: Business, Economy & Jobs
From CalMatters...
From California Local...
Efforts focus on plant-based psychedelics, leaving the synthetic drug LSD aside.
From CapPublicRadio...
Santa Cruz legislator John Laird authored the bill to let public boards operate under pandemic-era rules.
From Santa Cruz Sentinel...
About 80 percent of Black women said mistreatment due to race was a top concern.
Feud between the “blue” and “red” governors has been broiling for over a year.
From Good Times...
Cabrillo College’s name will remain “at this time,” following the Board of Trustees’ 6-1 vote on a recommendation to defer selecting a new name.
From Press Banner...
Just one person showed up to discuss whether to put a tax hike on the ballot to pay for education expenses—and she was on the committee that developed the plan.
Santa Cruz Supervisor Zach Friend announced that he will not seek a fourth term on the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors.
As the father of a blended family, Christopher Bradford knows how to bring people together.
Scotts Valley Unified School District will host a public hearing Wednesday to discuss a parcel tax that would raise revenue for student programs and teacher salaries.
Climate change deniers make plenty of arguments against the scientific consensus. Do they have a point?
The roots of the climate denial movement go all the way back to the Cold War.
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