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Saturday 2/1: Marina: Keep Eyes on Sudan Community Solidarity Event
Marina Library, Community Room, 190 Seaside Circle Marina, CA 93933
Actors’ Theatre
Listed under: Art, Culture & Media
From Santa Cruz Sentinel...
From The Sacramento Observer...
From California Local...
About 50 election reform bills were under consideration, but only minor legislation remains.
From The Sacramento Bee...
From CalMatters...
Opponents of proposed laws say they put an unfair burden on small business.
About 9 percent of all borrowers who were eligible for relief lived in California.
The California legislature once again prepares to consider single-payer health care.
From The Pajaronian...
Robert Rivas was sworn in as the 71st Speaker of the California State Assembly during a special session Friday at the Capitol. “California is still the greatest state in the union,” Rivas, a Hollister Democrat who represents the 29th Assembly District, said. “But if we do not act with greater urgency, it will get more [...]
Members of the panel also attacked the Supreme Court decision to end affirmative action.
Must cities switch 'at-large' elections to voting by district? State Supreme Court will decide.
Here's who gets help and what takes a hit in the new $310 billion proposed state budget.
From Press Banner...
When Fifth District Supervisor Bruce McPherson was growing up, he thought he might pursue medicine. But he was also drawn to the family business of journalism (his great-grandfather Duncan had purchased the Santa Cruz Sentinel in the 1800s). He chose to become a newspaperman. Now, just shy of his 80th birthday—as he announces he’s finally [...]
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