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Farmworker communities disrupt public hearing over racist pesticide regulation
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) January 16 public hearing in Salinas on its draft regulation of cancer-causing 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) was interrupted by more than a dozen protest...
Santa Cruz Permaculture
Listed under: Education Environment Agriculture, Food & Gardening Sustainability
From Ecology Action...
From Land Trust of Santa Cruz County...
From Lookout Local...
From Santa Cruz County Sentinel...
From Good Times...
As millions in funding pour into various South County projects, the Pajaro Valley has become a critical inflection point.
From Times Publishing Group...
From The Pajaronian...
The city of Watsonville will likely ask residents to approve a half-cent sales tax increase in the November election. The Watsonville City Council did not place the item on the ballot—yet.
From Santa Cruz Local...
Justin Cummings, Ami Chen Mills and Shebreh Kalantari-Johnson discuss housing, rent assistance and more.
Critics concerned about limiting public expression
From Monterey Herald...
Beach Flats’ Latinx population is demanding fair representation on the Santa Cruz City Council.
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